
Evil “Karen” has an epic nervous breakdown at the Los Angeles police station when she launches a racist tirade against a man in the lobby

Evil “Karen” has an epic nervous breakdown at the Los Angeles police station when she launches a racist tirade against a man in the lobby

An unpredictable woman was filmed having a nervous breakdown at a Los Angeles police station and launching into a racist tirade against a man in the lobby.

The video, apparently recorded at the Hollywood police station at 12:01 a.m. on August 6, shows the unidentified woman getting into a shouting match with the man filming her after she allegedly urged police to shoot homeless people.

He began to insult the woman – he said she was “shaped like an apple with little skinny legs” and looked like a “slut”.

The woman was then seen shouting at him: “Go back to the jungle” and “Go back to Africa” ​​before she was escorted out of the police station.

Evil “Karen” has an epic nervous breakdown at the Los Angeles police station when she launches a racist tirade against a man in the lobby

An unidentified woman was filmed at the Hollywood police station in the early hours of August 6, suffering a nervous breakdown

The footage begins with the woman standing at the counter of the Hollywood police station, complaining to the police officers sitting behind a glass pane about the city’s homeless problem.

“You can’t just go out there, stand on the street and arrest these people,” she screams.

When the officer tries to answer, she interrupts him and says: “No, because you are too afraid to face them. That is your problem.”

“You can’t confront these people and get them off the streets,” she continues, before asking the police officer, “What is your gun for?”

“You don’t know how to use a weapon, sir,” she accuses the officer. “That’s why you’re sitting here operating the computer.”

The woman was filmed shouting at the police and suggesting that they should shoot homeless people

The woman was filmed shouting at the police and suggesting that they should shoot homeless people

The woman further argues that the police should take action against “the drug addicts and homeless black people walking around here.”

“You destroy cars. And you let these people stay here,” she accused the police officers, arguing that it was “the city’s responsibility” because “they are loitering here.”

At this point the black man standing in line interrupted him.

“She wants to shoot homeless people,” he said incredulously.

But the woman tells him, “Sir, it’s none of your damn business.”

“It’s my business, you stupid bitch,” he replies. “Shut up!”

Still, the woman tells him, “It’s none of your damn business.”

“Well, you’re speaking in public here, so I’m going to say something,” the man said before insulting her.

“Your love handles are bulging out at the sides. That’s why you look like a… slut. Look at you. You literally look like a slut.”

“Pull yourself together, lady. You look disgusting. You’re just unhappy.”

“No wonder you’re feeling bad. Just look at yourself. You’re shaped like an apple with small, thin legs,” the man continues.

“You look like… you know what? Look at you, you’re fucking broke. You’re broke. Your life sucks.”

When a black man intervened, the woman began a racist tirade

She repeatedly urged him to “go back to the jungle” and “go back to Africa.”

When a black man intervened, the woman began a racist tirade, repeatedly telling him to go “back to the jungle” and “back to Africa.”

At this point the woman began making racist remarks.

“Go back to the jungle!” she said to the man. “Go back to the jungle.”

“Go back to Africa! Go back to Africa! Go back to the jungle.”

The officers behind the counter could be heard telling the woman to “stop,” but she quickly pointed at the man and replied, “He started it.”

Despite this, the man continued to tell her, “Your life sucks,” to which the woman again told him to “go back to your damn jungle.”

“Look at you, you’re the lady from the jungle with your little $5 outfit,” he replies and tells her she should go back to the jungle.

“No, I’m American. Nobody brought me here,” she says.

The man then continues to insult the woman by saying, “You look disgusting.”

“It’s too bad! It’s a damn disgrace. Look at you, you’re disgusting. You look dirty. You’re the one who started this, lady,” he shouts as a police officer escorts her out.

She was escorted out of the station by police and was not accused of any wrongdoing.

She was escorted out of the station by police and was not accused of any wrongdoing.

Many on Reddit praised the man for standing up to her, with one saying that “the world could use a few more people like him calling other people out for their shit.”

Another mocked the woman as a “disgusting person” and said he was “glad” that the man “talked to her like that, she deserved it.”

However, a third person said the woman may be suffering from “mental illness and/or liver failure” and was “probably drunk” but “definitely argumentative and rude.”

“She deserves to be treated badly, but she won’t learn from it, she will only behave worse,” said the Reddit user.

“The best thing we can do is arrest them for disturbing the peace.”

However, Los Angeles Police Department officials said the woman went to the police station to file a report and her tirade caught the attention of the black man in the foyer.

“The gentleman and she argued and we separated the two and kept the peace,” a department spokesperson told

He added that the woman was not accused of any wrongdoing and that a report had been made to the police.

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