
EXCLUSIVE: Evangelicals for Harris use ‘False Prophet’ Bible passage in provocative new ad against Trump

EXCLUSIVE: Evangelicals for Harris use ‘False Prophet’ Bible passage in provocative new ad against Trump

Evangelicals For Harris is releasing its second media ad in as many weeks. This time, it uses a Bible text from 1 John 4 that mentions false prophets and tells Christians to “test the spirits to see if they are of God.” The meaning and context are pretty clear: They want evangelicals to question whether former President Donald Trump exhibits the characteristics of a false prophet.

This ad will no doubt raise eyebrows among some conservative evangelicals. Those who support Trump see him as someone who promotes biblical values ​​in his policies. They will also argue that it is actually the Christian left that is spreading a misrepresentation of the biblical message.

However, Evangelicals For Harris wants Christian voters to question the rhetoric, which they say lacks “Christian commitment” and ignores the biblical commandment to “love your neighbor.”

It is important to remember that Evangelicals For Harris is not trying to win over Trump’s diehard evangelical supporters. That is not the goal.

According to Pew Research, 37 percent of Trump’s white evangelical voters think he was a “GREAT” president; another 37 percent say he was a “GOOD” president. But here’s the key: 9 percent think he’s only AVERAGE; 6 percent say he’s a BAD president, and 10 percent say he’s TERRIBLE. Added together, that’s 25 percent of conservative evangelicals who are relatively fickle/extremely lukewarm at best.

If Kamala Harris can win over 20 percent or more of these skeptical evangelicals, she will most likely win the presidency. That’s what history tells us. Just ask Joe Biden, who did it, and Hillary Clinton, who didn’t.

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