
Family shares Mario Navarro’s legacy as El Paso considers renaming park

Family shares Mario Navarro’s legacy as El Paso considers renaming park

The family of a man who was a skateboarder, mentor and artist here in El Paso shared his legacy before the City Council potentially renames a local park in his memory on Tuesday.

Mario Navarro was killed in a train derailment in August 2022, but his family says he left his mark on the community in countless ways.

According to his family, Navarro was often actively involved in community work and as a mentor.

They said he connected with neighborhood kids through skateboarding and golf.

One of the places he frequently visited, Pollard Pond Park in northeast El Paso at 2920 Pollard Street, is described by his family as his “neighborhood park.”

His daughter, Mia Navarro, remembered that her loving father often took her there:

To me, my dad was just a normal dad. He’s the kind of dad who would pick me up from school to get ice cream, to volleyball practice, or just to the park to have fun. This park is one of the parks he always takes me to.

On Tuesday, the El Paso City Council will rename the park “Mario Navarro Memorial Park” during its work session.

A fitting tribute, as the family said Navarro believes parks are essential to connecting the community.

They said he even used places like Pollard Pond Park to organize community meetings, picnics, bike rides and walks.

The effort to rename the park began when Navarro’s mother petitioned to rename the park in memory of her son.

On the city council agenda, Navarro was described as “a remarkable figure who has made a significant impact on our community.”

Navarro’s daughter Mia said his kind-hearted nature was evident from a young age.

He even inspired the lead singer of El Paso progressive rock band The Mars Volta, Cedric Bixler-Zavala, when the two attended middle school together.

“When my dad died, he wrote a long message to my dad and I think that was very meaningful because he is a significant person now and he showed that my dad helped him become who he is today and that means a lot to me,” said Mia Navarro.

Mia said she hopes the city council will pass a resolution to rename the park after her father.

The family continued to speak highly of him, saying Mario had a deep love for his community that inspired him to advocate for social justice and community improvements ranging from education reform to environmental protection, centering the least represented voices.

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