
Father of a college student upset about condition of rental apartment

Father of a college student upset about condition of rental apartment

CANTON – A Lisbon resident and father of two Canton college students expressed concerns to the city council Wednesday night about the condition of a rental property where one of his daughters wanted to live.

Todd Armstrong described the property at 28-30 Park Street during a public hearing.

“No windows opened, there was mold, and the pipes were not grounded,” Armstrong explained. “I felt sick breathing the stale air. The house is not safe to live in.”

He also wondered who checks the smoke detectors and fire extinguishers.

Armstrong reported that his daughter signed a $6,100-a-year lease in April. He decided to visit the property in person to see its condition. However, he refused to allow his daughter to stay there, and she and his sister have since rented an apartment at the Liberty Apartments, Riverside Drive, Canton.

“We lost our security deposit,” said Armstrong, who said his lawyer was reviewing the validity of the lease.

He said he contacted the landlord to share his concerns and request a refund.

“I contacted the landlord and he said he would replace the wiring in the fall,” he said. “I wanted to bring this to the board’s attention. Inspections should be done once a year in the future.”

“It’s just a problem. I want to prevent a tragedy,” Armstrong said. “At some point the village has to do something for the children,” he noted.

The council did not comment but thanked Armstrong for his comments.

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