
“Free Haircut in the Park” honors legacy of late Billings barber

“Free Haircut in the Park” honors legacy of late Billings barber

BILLINGS – A group of barbers gathered in South Park Friday afternoon to hand out free haircuts and celebrate the life of someone who started the same tradition years ago.

Many people came throughout the day to get free haircuts and food, and everyone was welcome.

Stylists Taylor Rae Seal and Steve Berg wanted to continue a tradition of their friend Elias Frank Bacon, who offered free haircuts whenever possible.


Isabel Spartz/MTN News

Hairdressers Steve Berg and Taylor Rae Seal helped organize the event and handed out free haircuts. Both were close friends of Elias Frank Bacon.

“I’m full of emotions, but we’re still busy. I’m grateful,” Seal said.

Bacon was shot and killed on the Rocky Boy Reservation on August 16, 2021. Seal and Berg first met him in cosmetology school nearly 10 years ago and remember him not only for his impressive skills as a hairdresser, but also for his ability to give back to his community, especially the homeless.

“He couldn’t just put lightning in your hair, he could also put Mount Rushmore in your hair. He was crazy and had insane skills as a hairdresser, but he had such a big heart,” Berg said.

“Elias always told me that we could be in that situation at any moment. There’s no reason why anyone has to be in that situation, and against us. So I just went because that’s what he wanted me to do, and of course it was a great feeling and it was awesome,” Seal said.


Isabel Spartz/MTN News

Elias’ motto was: “When you look good, you feel good.”

Bacon lived by the motto, “If you look good, you feel good,” and that was the attitude of those in attendance, too. Chey Elkboy and Roger McCrea were at the skate park that morning when Seal approached them about the event.

“We were looking for a job, so our image had to be good. It’s really good that they did that,” Elkboy said.

“It’s like a blessing. I feel good. Very confident,” McCrea said.

The event was held on the third anniversary of Bacon’s death to honor his mission. Although it was not announced much in advance, many people still showed up, reminding people of what Bacon intended to do with his talents.

“We really focused on getting haircuts to people, the less fortunate, those who have kids who are about to start school and just don’t have the money to get their hair cut,” Berg said. “We hoped those people would come and we could put some of Elias’ heart into this event and make sure some people go home with a smile.”


Isabel Spartz/MTN News

The event in South Park was dedicated to the third anniversary of the death of Elias Frank Bacon. Bacon started giving free clippings to the homeless nearly ten years ago, and now his friends want to continue the tradition even after his death.

Despite the tragedy, these stylists hope that this new tradition will continue and give back to people, just as Elias Frank Bacon once did.

“He’s my best friend and basically just my buddy, so it’s a shame to be here without him, but I know he’s here in spirit,” Seal said.

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