
Fullscreen: Food Justice | CGTN America

Fullscreen: Food Justice | CGTN America

Access to nutritious food is connected to larger struggles for racial and environmental justice. For activists working to eradicate hunger, the fight for food security is a fight for social justice.

McDonald’s and Black America

Fast food is often blamed for the high rates of obesity and diabetes among African Americans. But in many black communities, McDonald’s is more than just a fast food chain. The company also played a role in the civil rights movement and black capitalism.

Historian Marcia Chatelain explores this rich and complex history in her new book. Francise: The Golden Arches in Black Americawhich won the Pulitzer Prize for History.

Fighting hunger in the USA

Although hunger has been declining for a decade, food insecurity has been affecting more and more Americans in recent years. Of the 44 million Americans who struggle to get enough to eat, more than one in five is a child.

Melony Samuels founded the campaign against hunger in 2005 and currently serves as Managing Director. The organization serves more than 300,000 people every year.

Clean energy for indigenous communities

Across the country—and the world—climate change has made it harder for tribes to produce and access traditional foods. Sustainable solutions to address the food crisis require a shift away from fossil fuels. Cheri Smith is founder and CEO of the Indigenized Energy Initiative, which uses solar energy to eliminate energy poverty.

Colombian miners switch to beekeeping

In Colombia, illegal mining poses a serious threat to the environment and health. However, some communities are Take action by transitioning to aeven more profitable and much more environmentally friendly industry: Bee-keep.

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