
Geist Park Bridge Mounting Kit • Latest Releases

Geist Park Bridge Mounting Kit • Latest Releases

The Bell Ford Bridge will be moved to its permanent location at Geist Park in Fishers on September 5 and 6, with final completion expected in spring 2025.

The historic covered bridge was built this summer next to the Fishers AgriPark parking lot, less than a quarter mile from Geist Park. Contractors assembled the bridge from original restored wood beams and metal components that were brought to Hamilton County about six years ago.

When the bridge is relocated to Geist Park, Florida Road will be closed from 113th Street to Martha Street. Local access to properties in the affected area will be ensured, according to a Hamilton County press release.

Built in 1869, the Bell Ford Bridge originally came from Seymour, Indiana, in Jackson County. It allowed people to cross the White River for about 100 years until it was deemed unsafe. A storm destroyed half of the structure and the other half collapsed into the White River in 2006.

Its pieces were recovered from the river and stored until 2018, when Hamilton County Commissioner Mark Heirbrandt and Hamilton County Parks and Recreation joined forces with the Jackson County Commissioners to purchase the bridge.

Six years later, it is finally installed in Geist Park and used as a pedestrian and bicycle path, completing the Geist Greenway Trail.

“The construction of the Bell Ford Bridge in Geist Park is a tremendous accomplishment made possible by the efforts of many partners,” said Chris Stice, Hamilton County Parks Director. “We are pleased that this historic structure will become a new landmark that the community can enjoy for years to come.”

The cost of the project was approximately $7.5 million, of which nearly $3 million came from federal funds.

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