
Get ready for the Oak Park Film Festival

Get ready for the Oak Park Film Festival

This September, Oak Park residents can enjoy a new cultural tradition: the Oak Park Illinois Film Festival.

Over the past few years, I have been fortunate enough to travel to numerous film festivals in several states and even France to promote a film I was in. As I attended these festivals, I found that some were much more entertaining and better planned than others. It got me thinking about how creative Oak Parkers is and that it would be the ideal location for the ideal festival.

I knew I couldn’t do it alone. I posted a few ads on social media, called a meeting and waited to see if anyone would come. And sure enough, nine people showed up. When we introduced ourselves, one said, “I could build the website,” another said, “I can do the editing,” etc. So I had a talented group of people to work with who had the technical skills I lacked. Now I knew the festival was a possibility

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