
Get ready to dance every Wednesday at Nai Restaurant

Get ready to dance every Wednesday at Nai Restaurant

The Arabesque Lounge serves oriental cuisine and free salsa lessons with two-time amateur salsa world champion Roberto Quaresma

Have you ever seen Dancing with the stars or So you think you can dance and wanted to learn salsa dancing?

Now is your chance to take part in this lively Latin dance known for its quick turns and fast footwork. Free weekly classes are held at Nai Restaurant, 4460 Fairview St. in Burlington.

On July 17, 2024, Nai’s stunning modern renovation was officially opened, highlighted by sumptuous velvet sofas and a marble dining room. The occasion was marked by the first Salsa night on Wednesday, accompanied by the music of DJ Geronimo, and it was in the2024-08-22-salsa-drei-jsan instant hit with young and old alike. Classes have only been running for a few weeks, but they have already attracted people from Oakville, Hamilton, Mississauga and Milton.

“It’s a real success,” said Roberto Quaresma. “I’ve been dancing for years, but never has it taken on so much importance. I think COVID has made people realize how much we really need to interact. More and more people want that interpersonal connection. You see teenagers coming out. You see people in their 70s and 80s coming out, which is great.”

Salsa classes at Nai Restaurant are held every Wednesday from 8pm to 9pm. Ballroom dancing is offered until closing time so you can practice what you’ve learned, socialize and dance with others. There’s no entrance fee, classes are free and no registration is required, all you have to do is show up. Whether you’re a beginner or advanced, Quaresma’s classes are suitable for everyone.

“You can come alone, in pairs or in groups; everyone is welcome. Even if you don’t have a partner, we always take turns. Everyone helps each other more or less,” said Quaresma, who admits that he is a bit stricter with the men. “You never say no to the ladies. But the ladies, if they don’t want to dance with the men, they are always welcome to say no. The ladies always have the upper hand if they don’t feel like dancing. But men, if a woman asks you to dance, you always say yes.”

Quaresma started dancing salsa as an adult after falling in love with the music, the people and the atmosphere. He has been teaching all over the world for more than 10 years, including in Dubai, Japan, Australia and Bermuda.

According to Quaresma, salsa dancing is all about the fundamentals, and he uses learning hockey as an analogy. “No NHL hockey player, even if he’s a really good hockey player, can make it to the NHL if he can’t skate. It’s the same as dancing. Once you focus on your footwork, the rest will follow,” he said.

Even if you don’t want to hit the dance floor, you can still enjoy a meal that puts a modern twist on traditional Lebanese cuisine. The extensive menu uses high-quality ingredients to create a selection of soups, salads, hot and cold appetizers, grilled kebabs, barbecued meats and authentic Lebanese desserts while you watch the dancers.

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