Giga Storage and TenneT optimize use of grid capacity – pv magazine International

From pv magazine ESS News

Dutch energy storage developer Giga Storage and grid operator TenneT have signed the first-ever time-based connection and transmission agreement in the Netherlands to ensure more efficient use of the existing electricity grid.

The new contract type, developed as part of the National Action Programme to Combat Grid Congestion, enables Giga Storage to connect its Giga Leopard battery project with an output of 300 MW and a storage capacity of up to 1,200 MWh to the electricity grid in Delfzijl.

Under the contract, Giga Storage is granted the right to draw power from or feed it back into the grid at least 85% of the time. This helps the grid operator relieve bottlenecks by not charging or discharging the battery into the grid at certain times.

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