
Gold Ponds cyclist; Longmont Airport – Longmont Times-Call

Gold Ponds cyclist; Longmont Airport – Longmont Times-Call

Cyclists make Golden Ponds unsafe

I am writing this because there is a safety issue that needs to be addressed. My wife and I, both retired, enjoy walking the multi-use paths around Golden Ponds on a daily basis. However, there are a number of cyclists (about 50%) who ride at full speed between pedestrians with no regard for safety, sometimes right through groups that are on either side of the sidewalk. We have even experienced several times that cyclists reacted aggressively and confrontationally when we asked them to slow down. Likewise, we have heard a number of pedestrians complaining about these disrespectful cyclists.

Dogs (even on a leash) and children may suddenly run across the path. Older people may be a little unsteady on their feet and hard of hearing. People stop to take photos or observe nature and may not notice that the cyclists are approaching quickly. Ringtones and verbal warnings are helpful but are not enough, especially for the hearing impaired. All cyclists must respect the rights of others and slow down when passing pedestrians. Failure to do so could result in serious injuries to both pedestrians and the cyclists themselves. Perhaps it would be helpful to regularly put up signs with the rules.

Randy Hoffman, Longmont

Airport makes Longmont less green, healthy and quiet

I completely agree with the guest’s opinion on Longmont Airport. The author makes all the important points. Again, the airport causes noise pollution because there are no noise regulations for aircraft and many of the planes do not have silencers. It causes air pollution and contributes to health problems because there is no requirement to use unleaded gasoline. It is a playground for the wealthy with disposable income, not a public good that benefits the citizens of the city as a whole. And I love that the article includes alternative uses for this space, and I’m sure the community could think of many more. Preserving it as open space alone would be a win considering that most of the other “empty” space is being gobbled up by cardboard buildings.

Our once beautiful town is being converted to a city as quickly as possible, as fast as the city council can approve it. People who speak out about the impact of the airport are told to “move away” if they don’t like it. I suggest that those who want to live in a city with an airport for the wealthy few consider moving. Leave us a green and healthy, quiet and comfortable Longmont. Please.

Sarah Shurtleff, Longmont

Originally published:

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