
Governor Newsom proclaims Constitution Day and Citizenship Day

Governor Newsom proclaims Constitution Day and Citizenship Day

SACRAMENTO – Governor Gavin Newsom today issued a proclamation declaring September 17, 2024, as “Constitution Day and Citizenship Day.”

The text of the proclamation and a copy can be found below:


For more than two centuries, the United States Constitution has been the bedrock of our government and provided a framework for the evolving American experiment that continues to this day. Crafted through compromise and cooperation, the Constitution has brought together the American states, with all their diverse interests, into a unified whole that derives its power from the people.

As we mark this milestone in our history, we also remember that the fundamental rights and freedoms enshrined in our Constitution have been denied to large segments of our population for generations. Today, we pay tribute to the many Americans throughout our history whose leadership and sacrifices have brought our nation closer to realizing its founding ideals.

We can never take this progress for granted. In the face of efforts to undo decades of hard-fought victories and sow division, we must remain true to our commitment to the promise of our democracy and strive to live out the meaning of e pluribus unum – out of many, one.

On Constitution Day and Citizenship Day, California joins the nation in recommitting itself to the principles of equality, liberty and opportunity for all in the continuing effort to build a more perfect union.

NOW IT’S ME, GAVIN NEWSOMGovernor of the State of California, do hereby proclaim September 17, 2024, as “Constitution Day and Citizenship Day.”

IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereto affixed my signature and the Great Seal of the State of Day in September 2024.

Governor of California

Foreign Minister

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