
Harris calls Trump the “architect” of the abortion crisis for overturning Roe v. Wade – US politics live | US elections 2024

Harris calls Trump the “architect” of the abortion crisis for overturning Roe v. Wade – US politics live | US elections 2024

Harris calls Trump “architect of the crisis” for overturning Roe v. Wade

Kamala Harris then she told about her meeting with Amber Nicole Thurman‘s mother, who asked her not to forget who her daughter was:

Despite the pain and grief, her mother bravely told her story. I promised her, as she had requested, that we would make sure Amber is not just remembered as a statistic, that she is not just remembered as a statistic, that people would know that she was a mother, a daughter and a sister, that she was loved and that she should be alive today.

She received applause for saying that as president she would stand with women in other countries who suffered the consequences of abortion bans:

This happens every day in our country. Countless people are suffering, women who are made to feel like they have done something wrong. The condemnation is outrageous. They are made to feel like criminals, like they are alone. To these women, to these families, I say in the name of what I think we all say: we see you and you are not alone and we are all here with you.

Harris added that Trump had created a public health crisis by appointing the judges who overturned Roe v. Wade:

This is a health crisis and Donald Trump is the architect of this crisis.


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Important events

Before Harris concluded her speech, she said she believed that if elected, Donald Trump would sign a national ban on abortion.

Trump has not made it clear whether he would do this or not. During the debate last week, he said he did not believe such a bill would pass Congress.

Harris said:

There’s so much at stake because if he gets re-elected, I’m sure he’ll sign a national abortion ban that would ban abortion in every single state, and he would appoint a national anti-abortion coordinator. Look at Project 2025 – force states to report women’s miscarriages and abortions. It’s right there.


Harris calls Trump “architect of the crisis” for overturning Roe v. Wade

Kamala Harris then she told about her meeting with Amber Nicole Thurman‘s mother, who asked her not to forget who her daughter was:

Despite the pain and grief, her mother bravely told her story. I promised her, as she had requested, that we would make sure Amber is not just remembered as a statistic, that she is not just remembered as a statistic, that people would know that she was a mother, a daughter and a sister, that she was loved and that she should be alive today.

She received applause for saying that as president she would stand with women in other countries who suffered the consequences of abortion bans:

This happens every day in our country. Countless people are suffering, women who are made to feel like they have done something wrong. The condemnation is outrageous. They are made to feel like criminals, like they are alone. To these women, to these families, I say in the name of what I think we all say: we see you and you are not alone and we are all here with you.

Harris added that Trump had created a public health crisis by appointing the judges who overturned Roe v. Wade:

This is a health crisis and Donald Trump is the architect of this crisis.


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Harris then began to discuss the case of Amber Nicole Thurman, which ProPublica reported earlier this week died after being denied medical care due to the state’s abortion ban.

“We will say her name, Amber Nicole Thurman,” Harris said as the crowd repeated her name.

The Vice President then argued that Trump was responsible for her death:

When she discovered she was pregnant, she decided to have an abortion. But because of Trump’s abortion ban here in Georgia, she was forced to leave the state to get the medical care she needed. When she returned to Georgia, she needed additional care, so she went to a hospital. But look, under Trump’s abortion ban, her doctors could have spent up to ten years in prison if they gave Amber the care she needed. Understand what such a law means: Doctors must wait until the patient is dying before taking any action.


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Harris condemns ‘hypocrites’ who ban abortion while ignoring maternal health

Kamala Harris said that lawmakers seeking to ban abortion in their states while ignoring the needs of mothers are “hypocrites”:

One in three women in America lives in a state with a Trump-imposed abortion ban. That includes Georgia and every state in the South except Virginia. Think about that when you combine that with the long-standing neglect of an issue like maternal mortality. Think about that when you combine that with the long-standing neglect of women in communities that lack the resources needed for health care, before birth, during pregnancy, and after birth. Think about that, and these hypocrites want to start talking about how this is in the best interest of women and children?

Amid cheers from the crowd, Harris said, “So where have you been? Where have you been when it comes to taking care of the women and children of America? How dare they?”


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Harris immediately attacked Donald Trump, recalling how he appointed three of the justices who later voted to overturn Roe v. Wade, paving the way for states like Georgia to pass abortion bans.

“We all know how we got here. When Donald Trump was president, he personally selected three members of the Supreme Court of the United States, the Thurgood Court and the RBG Court, with the intent that they would repeal the protections of Roe v. Wade,” Harris said.

She continued:

And as he intended, they did, and today more than 20 states have abortion bans under Trump. Extremists have passed laws criminalizing health care providers, doctors and nurses and punishing women. In two of those states, they provide life prison sentences for health care providers who simply provide reproductive care, the care they so earnestly and rightly believe must be provided – all abortion bans under Trump. And think about it: Many of these bans don’t even make exceptions for rape and incest.


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Harris speaks in Georgia amid uproar over abortion-related deaths

Kamala Harris just took the stage in Atlanta, where she is expected to denounce the state’s abortion ban, which was recently linked to the death of a woman in 2022, and Donald Trump‘s support for overturning Roe v. Wade.

We may also hear something from the Vice President today about the Electoral College rule change that could slow the vote counting process in the swing state.

Here you can learn more about the death of Amber Nicole Thurmanfor which Harris blamed Trump:


Presidential elections begin in three states

Residents of Virginia, South Dakota and Minnesota went to the polls today to cast their early votes as the 2024 election begins.

While the majority of voters will cast their ballots on Nov. 5, the three states will be the first to open their polls, with more to follow throughout October, the Associated Press reported.

Voters cast their ballots today in Fairfax, Virginia. Photo: Shawn Thew/EPA

Millions more Americans will cast their mail-in ballots in the coming weeks. Find out more here:

George Chidi

George Chidi

Kevin Moncla, a prominent voter objector, holds court on the marble steps directly in front of the Georgia Condition Board of Election hearing room in the state Capitol.

Moncla described how state election officials gave him the cold shoulder after the 2020 election. Moncla and his fellow activist Joe Rossi filed a complaint alleging that Fulton County covered up massive election fraud through numerous duplicate ballots, missing pictures of ballots, and missing documents.

Occasionally, applause from her supporters can be heard in the hearing room. Her supporters from the organization Georgians for Truth wear white T-shirts with the words “Paper Please” printed on them.

Learn more about Moncla here:


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House of Representatives votes to investigate second assassination attempt on Trump

The House of Representatives has just unanimously approved the creation of a bipartisan task force to investigate the July assassination attempt. Donald Trump in Pennsylvania to investigate the alleged second attempt on his life on Sunday in Florida.

“There is no leader in American history who has been attacked as aggressively as Donald Trump and yet remained so strong and resilient,” said the Republican speaker of the House of Representatives. Michael Johnsonsaid a statement after the vote.

“Today, the House of Representatives is living up to this historic moment by voting to formally expand the task force’s jurisdiction to include a focus on the second attempt on his life. The American people deserve answers and accountability for the many security failures that led to these events – and this Congress will deliver.”

The House of Representatives previously unanimously approved the bipartisan Enhanced Presidential Security Act, which would set universal standards for those under the Secret Service’s control, including the president, former presidents and White House nominees, and conduct a comprehensive review of the agency’s current protection strategy.


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intelligence Deputy Director Ronald Rowe Jr said Friday that recent events, such as the assassination attempt in July and the apparent assassination attempt on Sunday in Florida, have underscored the need for a paradigm shift in the way the Secret Service protects public officials and that the “threat landscape is evolving.”


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