
Have you heard about the free thrift store in St. Cloud?

Have you heard about the free thrift store in St. Cloud?

Parents and grandparents all face some common problems. Children grow so quickly that you are constantly looking for the next size up.

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The other problem they face is what to do with the clothes they have simply outgrown. Of course, there are thrift stores you can donate your stuff to, and of course, there is always Facebook Marketplace where you can sell that stuff.

Those are good options, but I wanted to point out another one: Westyn’s Garage.

This relatively new 501(c)(C) nonprofit organization aims to help parents and grandparents navigate the constant struggle of finding the right clothes for their children while also providing them with a way to get rid of the clothes that no longer fit.

The special thing about Westyn’s Garage is that they give away the items they collect. That’s right, if your child needs something or a few little things, you can get them for FREE.

I met Amanda, one of the founders of Westyn’s Garage, at her fundraising garage sale in downtown St. Cloud on Saturday. She said she and her partner, Jenna, started this project after “passing down” their children’s clothes to cousins ​​and other acquaintances.

They have transformed the constant cycle of outgrowing clothes and looking for new clothes into the mantra “reduce, reuse, recycle”, which means: Why keep buying new things when there is only a short time left until you have to look for something bigger?

Westyn’s Garage has grown from children’s clothing and toys to adult clothing and household items. Their goal is to help people who are down on their luck, homeless and in need of clothing, or just need a helping hand.

It’s like Amanda said on Saturday: “If someone gets a job where they have to wear a certain style of clothing and they don’t get paid for a few weeks, we want to help them.”

No questions will be asked about your situation. Amanda says they understand that everyone has ups and downs in life and needs a helping hand from time to time. They want those who reach out to them to not feel judgement.

Whether you need clothing or a dish or bowl for the kitchen, Westyn’s Garage is here to help.

Photo credit: Westyns Garage Facebook page

Photo credit: Westyns Garage Facebook page

Westyn’s Garage is currently operating out of a warehouse building but is looking for a more permanent location. They have a Venmo account if you would like to donate: @westynsgarage. You can also join their Facebook group: Westyns Garage. You can also email them at [email protected].

Learn more about how you can help or find help at Westyn’s Garage.

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