
Heartbreaking confession, taped in the park, leads to saving 6 lives

Heartbreaking confession, taped in the park, leads to saving 6 lives

It was a sunny Saturday morning in Morrisville, Pennsylvania, when an unsuspecting resident noticed unusual activity at his local dog park. Inside the fenced-in dog park, six large puppies were wandering around aimlessly with no human in sight.

A handwritten note with a heartbreaking confession was attached to the gate.

“Dear person who finds these dogs,” the note read. “I rescued them from an old lady who had too many dogs… This is the safest place I can think of to put them. I hope they find homes.”

Morrisville County Police Department

The Good Samaritan called Morrisville County Police, who immediately rushed to the dog park. Within minutes, officers were confronted by a herd of aimless dogs.

“Upon arrival, Morrisville Police observed six 50-60 pound dogs running loose in the Morrisville Dog Park,” MBPD wrote in a press release obtained by The Dodo. “Police remained on scene while the Bucks County SPCA en route.”

Morrisville County Police Department

While the police waited for the animal welfare organization to arrive, they searched the message and discovered the heartbreaking truth about the puppies’ past.

“These dogs were rescued from an owner who was unable to properly care for them and were subsequently taken to the Morrisville Dog Park where they were discovered,” MBPD wrote. “The unknown individual who took these dogs to the Morrisville Dog Park attempted to keep them but was unable to do so due to their apartment’s rules and believed that the Morrisville Dog Park was the best solution for these dogs…”

Morrisville County Police Department

Police wish the rescuer had contacted them first before abandoning the dogs at the park, but they were more concerned about the dogs that were left at their original home.

“At this time, the Morrisville Police Department is more concerned with the remaining animals that are in the care of the original owner,” MBPD wrote. “While MBPD does not condone the abandonment of animals, there is a larger issue in this case that we want to isolate and ensure that these animals are all safe.”

By the time the SPCA arrived, three of the six puppies had already found homes with loving neighbors. The remaining three puppies were taken to the Bucks County SPCA in hopes of finding a forever home soon.

Morrisville County Police Department

The three remaining dogs remain at the Bucks County SPCA today, waiting for the perfect families to adopt them, while police continue to investigate the dogs’ original owners.

MBPD hopes to be able to make contact with the dogs’ rescuer or original owner soon. In the meantime, they are urging the public to immediately report any cases of animal neglect or abuse to authorities.

“The MBPD recommends contacting your local animal welfare group or local police department if you believe an animal is not receiving proper treatment or care,” the MBPD wrote. “Please surrender your animals to shelters and do not abandon them, even if you mean well.”

If you have any information on the original owners of these dogs, please contact Cpl. Halas at [email protected] or (215) 295-8112.

For information on adopting the remaining puppies, call the Bucks County SPCA at (215) 794-7425.

To help dogs like this pack of puppies get the care they need, you can donate to the Bucks County SPCA here.

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