
How a radio station in Detroit shaped broadcasting history

How a radio station in Detroit shaped broadcasting history

We may be a little biased, but we think radio is pretty cool. Radio has paved so many ways and the world wouldn’t be the same without it. Whether you listen to the radio on your commute, use it as background noise, or catch up on sports, radio has something for everyone.

Boy sitting and listening to the radio

Photo by Eric Nopanen on Unsplash

But it is crazy to think that radio would not be what it is today if it had not a station in Detroit – a station that still exists today.

97.9 WGRD logo

August 20, 1920 – The day radio changed

Before August 20, 1920, radio as a form of entertainment was still in its infancy. In 1910, the first public radio broadcast was broadcast by Lee de Forest, but it was not until 1920 The first structured radio news program went on air. Interestingly, Detroit News, the newspaper company, led the revolution of radio.

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Used with permission of the Detroit Historical Society

Used with permission of the Detroit Historical Society

8MK, now known as WWJ, was the station that showed the potential of radio as a form of routine entertainment beyond news and music. 8MK is known for many firsts in radio: It was not only the first station in Michigan, but also the first station to broadcast a sporting event, national election results, comedy shows and the first broadcast Live music.

Used with permission of the Detroit Historical Society

Used with permission of the Detroit Historical Society

This approach to radio showed what the medium was capable of and fundamentally changed the way radio was used in the future. WWJ is still around today, providing the people of Detroit with news 24/7. As the world has transitioned to a digital landscape, radio continues to find ways to make an impact and stay relevant.

Used with permission of the Detroit Historical Society

Used with permission of the Detroit Historical Society

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Gallery Credit: Tommy McNeill

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