
How Bizzy Cold Brew Coffee Entrepreneurs Went From Home Experiments to Selling at Target

How Bizzy Cold Brew Coffee Entrepreneurs Went From Home Experiments to Selling at Target

When my co-founder Andrew and I first embarked on our entrepreneurial journey at Bizzy Cold Brew, I couldn’t have predicted the dramatic growth that lay ahead. We started with a few cups of homemade coffee in our cramped Minneapolis apartments in 2013, and our passion for the perfect cold brew coffee soon led us to producing hundreds of thousands of cups a day in our own production facility.

Andrew and I were used to the corporate grind, working long hours and juggling multiple tasks at once. Coffee was our source of energy, but the high acidity of traditional brews gave us stomach upsets. We set out to create a smoother, stronger coffee without sacrificing the caffeine kick we depended on.

Our search led us to cold brew coffee, known for its low acidity and mild flavor. We became fascinated with the process and began experimenting with different beans and brewing techniques. In those early days, our homes turned into mini-laboratories, with jars of coffee steeping for hours on countertops and in refrigerators.

After countless trials and taste tests, we have developed a unique blend that is both smooth and strong, with a balanced flavor profile. This blend consists of a combination of light, medium and dark roasted Arabica beans from Central and South America with nutty and chocolate flavor notes.

Testing the coffee market

When we realized we had something special, we started sharing our cold brew with friends and family. The positive feedback was overwhelming. Encouraged by the enthusiasm, we decided to bring our product to local farmers markets. This was a pivotal moment. The cold brew sold like hotcakes and confirmed our belief that there was a market for high-quality, ready-to-drink cold brew coffee.

Despite our initial success, scaling up production was no easy task. We faced numerous challenges, from sourcing high-quality organic beans to finding the right equipment for large-scale brewing. We invested in roller mills that provided the precision needed for consistent grind size, which is essential for producing premium cold brew.

We also perfected our brewing process, cold brewing the coffee for 18 hours to extract the optimal amount of caffeine and flavor while minimizing acidity. This meticulous attention to detail became a hallmark of Bizzy Cold Brew’s production process.

With a refined product and a growing fan base, the next step was to expand our reach. We set out to bring Bizzy Cold Brew to retail, tirelessly promoting our product to grocery chains and securing shelf space in local co-ops and independent stores. The response was amazing, and soon larger retailers were taking notice.

In 2017, we launched our cold brew on Amazon, which was a turning point for the company. Bizzy Cold Brew quickly became one of the best-selling cold brew brands on the platform. The increased visibility and sales volume allowed us to further invest in production and distribution, paving the way for national expansion.

We understood that building a strong brand was critical to long-term success. We emphasized our commitment to quality, transparency and sustainable practices such as composting coffee grounds, using organically grown coffee beans and 100% recycled bottles.

We also engage heavily with our fans through social media, sharing our story and the behind-the-scenes process of making Bizzy Cold Brew. This connection with our audience has created a loyal community of cold brew enthusiasts who are passionate about the product and the brand’s mission.

Entrepreneurial caffeine

The journey from making two cups of cold brew a day to producing 350,000 cups daily has been marked by relentless hard work, innovation and a commitment to quality. Our story is a testament to the power of ambitious entrepreneurial spirit and the impact of developing a product that meets a real need in the marketplace.

Today, Bizzy Cold Brew is available in major retail stores across the country and continues to grow. We remain active and are constantly exploring new ways to improve our cold brew and expand the product line. Our dedication to craft and providing an exceptional customer experience has cemented Bizzy Cold Brew’s position in the competitive coffee market.

As Bizzy Cold Brew looks to the future, we are focused on innovation and expanding our sustainability practices. We are exploring ways to reduce our environmental footprint and experimenting with different flavors and brewing techniques to keep our product fresh and exciting.

Our journey is an example of what can be achieved with passion, perseverance and a clear vision. Bizzy Cold Brew is not just a brand; it is the story of two entrepreneurs who turned their personal quest for the perfect cup of coffee into a thriving business that brings joy and energy to millions of people every day.

More on entrepreneurship:

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