
How to store tulip bulbs so they bloom next spring

How to store tulip bulbs so they bloom next spring

Learn how to dig up tulip bulbs and store them over the summer and winter.

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Tulips are one of the most anticipated flowers in spring. Their bright colors and upright growth habit add an early splash of color and character to any garden. As perennials in zones 4 to 7, tulips come back every year without the need to remove, store, and replant. While some gardeners treat tulips as annuals and discard the bulbs once they have finished flowering, many tulip lovers prefer to dig them up and save them for later enjoyment.

The popular flower may only bloom for a short time, but if stored correctly, you can enjoy its elegance year after year. Here, our experts explain how to store tulip bulbs and offer helpful tips on how to keep them healthy so they bloom beautifully next spring.

Meet the expert

Related: How to grow and care for tulips, the easy-care spring bloomers every gardener should plant

Benefits of storing tulip bulbs

Storing tulip bulbs instead of leaving them in the ground keeps the bulbs healthy, prevents rodents from eating them, and avoids unpredictable winter temperatures. Tulip bulbs thrive in zones with cool to cold winters and require a chilling period of about three months to re-bloom. This chilling method can be done in the ground or in outdoor storage areas.

Plus, storing tulip bulbs helps protect your favorite varieties. “Perhaps you’ve found a variety of tulips that you’ve had a hard time getting hold of before and now you want to have it in your growing space for years to come,” says Julia Violette of Paint Box Flower Farm. “The good news is that this can be achieved with practice, patience and, of course, some hard work.”

How to store tulip bulbs over the summer

Storing tulip bulbs in the summer is a simple process that even novice gardeners can master. “After you’ve enjoyed their glorious splendor, cut off any spent flowers so that the energy goes into the bulb and not into seed production,” advises Violette. Don’t remove the foliage, as it will turn a straw color and need to die before you can remove your tulip bulbs for storage.

Once the foliage is gone, dig up your bulbs and shake off any excess soil. “Take your bulbs to a dry, ventilated place like a garage, lay out cardboard, spread out your bulbs and label them by variety,” says Violette. “Always throw out anything suspicious because it’s not worth risking the rest of your stash.”

Let the bulbs dry for a few days, then place them in a mesh bag and hang them up, or place them in a plastic bag with layers of peat in between. Store the bulbs in a dry place at about 10 degrees Celsius.


If this is important to you, keep your varieties separate and check them regularly during the summer and early fall and throw away any suspect bulbs, advises Violette.

How to store tulip bulbs over the winter

Proper storage conditions are critical to the survival of your tulip bulbs during the winter. If you live in a zone where your bulbs will be subject to repeated freezing and thawing, or where they do not experience a natural cold spell, digging them up and storing them is necessary. “Tulips need between 8 and 17 weeks of chilling time below 40 degrees,” says Violette. “If you do not give your tulips enough chilling time, you will end up with tulips that are small.” The weeks do not have to be consecutive and can be a combination of refrigerator chilling and ambient cooling.

To do this, dig up the bulbs and shake off any excess soil. Remove any bulbs that look diseased or damaged. You can either store the bulbs in the refrigerator over the winter months or plant them in a container and place them in a sheltered spot in a garage, insulated shed or porch. Place the container outside in the spring and the first shoots will emerge.


“Bulb storage won’t always be successful. Be sure to take notes and adapt your plan to the exact climate and conditions,” advises Violette.

How long can tulip bulbs be stored?

Tulip bulbs typically last about 12 months when kept in a cool, dry environment. “Proper storage conditions are critical to maintaining their plantability,” says Cameron DePaola, master gardener, landscape designer and owner of Riverside Landscaping. Let them rest in a cool, dry, well-ventilated area until it’s time to replant them.

Related: 9 Mistakes You Make When Planting Bulbs – And How To Avoid Them

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you store tulip bulbs in the garage?

As long as the room stays cool, dry and dark, you can store tulip bulbs in the garage. “It’s important to monitor the temperature to make sure it doesn’t get too warm, as this could affect the bulbs,” says DePaola.

Do tulip bulbs need to be refrigerated?

You can store tulips in the refrigerator, but do not store them with items that produce ethanol, such as fruits and vegetables.

How long do tulip bulbs last unplanted?

Under suitable conditions, tulip bulbs can remain unplanted for up to a year. Protecting them from moisture and heat will extend their lifespan.

Do tulip bulbs need to be washed before planting?

Don’t wash tulip bulbs, as too much moisture can cause fungus and rot, says DePaola. Instead, check the bulbs to make sure they’re dry and free of mold or damage before you proceed with planting.

Read the original article about Martha Stewart.

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