
I was a doctor and ate junk food until I lost over 6 kilos

I was a doctor and ate junk food until I lost over 6 kilos

Then I focused on incorporating more protein into my diet and cutting out kebabs and burgers. My main meal is usually in the evening and I try to eat as much protein as possible, usually chicken or fish. I always drink a protein shake a day and take creatine powder in a drink before training to boost my performance and increase my strength.

When I go out to eat with friends, I rarely have dessert and then choose fish or something else with protein. I love carbs, so I occasionally indulge in mashed potatoes or chips. I rarely drink, so it’s not a problem.

Over the last few years, I have built up a good relationship with people who also go to the gym often. When I lost weight, they started complimenting me and telling me how well I was losing weight. I even had a few gym goers tell me I was their inspiration to lose weight. That was really encouraging. Even my patients have occasionally commented on it.

I’m always a little hesitant when I step on the scales because I think the focus should be on eating healthy and feeling good. Plus, you weigh more when you build muscle. But when I get compliments like that, it gives me confidence to see how I’m doing! I weigh about 73 kg now.

Because of my diabetes diagnosis, I now go for regular health checks every six months, so I have another clear measure of how my weight loss is affecting my health. While I take Metformin to manage my diabetes, getting back in shape can only be a good thing. I have seen my blood sugar levels drop from 53 to 48, which is now borderline diabetes.

My stamina is also much better. I have no problem walking up and down the stairs as often as I need to. When I showed my new partner photos of me weighing 82 kg, he admitted that he wouldn’t have got involved with me back then. But the most important thing is that I feel much better. I’m fit, I’m healthy and I have my energy back.

What I ate before


Sweet cereal like Curiously Cinnamon


A burger and fries

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