
Inside an abandoned “ghost station” on an Antarctic cliff, where Soviet scientists battled -90°C storms thousands of miles away

Inside an abandoned “ghost station” on an Antarctic cliff, where Soviet scientists battled -90°C storms thousands of miles away

On a windswept cliff in Antarctica, surrounded by nothing but ice for thousands of miles, lies the ghost of a once-bustling Soviet outpost.

Once the frosty home of Soviet scientists, Leningradskaya Station now stands as a testament to a time when human ambition knew no bounds, even in the most unforgiving environments.

The radar dome of the abandoned research base


The radar dome of the abandoned research basePhoto credit:
Leningradskaya Station is an abandoned Soviet research outpost


Leningradskaya Station is an abandoned Soviet research outpostPhoto credit: Victor Pomelov
The station is now nothing more than a metal building rotting on a cliff


The station is now nothing more than a metal building rotting on a cliffPhoto credit: Peter Cleary
Vehicles once used by explorers can also be seen everywhere in the snow.


Vehicles once used by explorers can also be seen everywhere in the snow.Photo credit: Digital Photography Review / King_penguin


The year was 1971 and the world was in the midst of the Cold War.

Far from the public eye and the worries of everyday life, the Soviet Union had a new goal in its sights: Antarctica.

Here, in the midst of the endless white, the Soviets built the Leningradskaya station, named after one of their most historic cities, Leningrad.

The station was built on the icy plains of Queen Mary Land, a remote and desolate part of the continent.

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It was a place where temperatures could drop below -50°C, the wind howled relentlessly, and the sun disappeared for months during the long, dark winter.

But for the Soviets, Leningradskaya was more than just a research station.

It was a symbol of their scientific power and a strategic base in the southernmost regions of the earth.


The scientists and engineers who lived in Leningradskaya were a robust bunch.

They arrived every summer, transported on ships that broke through the thick sea ice, bringing with them supplies for the coming months.

As the southern summer sun was low on the horizon, the station was bustling with activity.

Meteorologists, glaciologists and geophysicists worked side by side, collecting data that would contribute to our understanding of Earth’s climate and the mysterious forces at work in the polar regions.

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In the station’s prefabricated buildings, life was balanced between routine and survival.

The buildings were designed to withstand the harsh conditions of Antarctica and were connected by walkways to protect residents from the biting winds.

Scientists worked in their laboratories, analyzing ice cores, measuring geomagnetic fields and studying the atmospheric patterns swirling over the icy continent.

In their free time they played chess, read books and wrote letters home, knowing that it would take months to receive a response.

But towards the end of the 1980s, the Soviet Union began to collapse.

The once mighty empire collapsed under the weight of economic pressures and political unrest.

The stations in Antarctica, far from the eyes of the Kremlin and requiring high maintenance costs, were gradually abandoned.

And Leningradskaya was no exception.

The long silence

In 1991, as the Soviet Union breathed its last, the doors of Leningradskaya were seemingly closed forever.

The last group of scientists boarded the ship that would take them back to a land in turmoil, leaving behind a station that would soon be taken over by the cold and silence of Antarctica.

For years, Leningradskaya was at the mercy of the elements. Its buildings were slowly buried under snowdrifts, its windows frosted over, and its corridors echoed with the memories of those who once lived and worked here.

The station, once a center of scientific activity, became a ghost town, a relic of a bygone era.

A frozen time capsule

Today, Leningradskaya is still what it once was: a frozen time capsule in the heart of Antarctica.

The station’s structures, weathered by decades of exposure, are still standing but are slowly succumbing to the relentless forces of nature.

Inside, old equipment lies dormant, and the footprints of the last scientists can be seen in the snow that has blown in through broken doors and windows.

Occasionally, a team of researchers may visit the station, attracted by the station’s history or wishing to recover data from the instruments left behind.

But for the most part, Leningradskaya remains alone, a silent monument to human determination and the inexorable passage of time.

And as the wind continues to howl across the ice, Leningradskaya stands like a ghostly sentinel, guarding the secrets of the past in one of the most remote places on earth.

Antarctica is located at the bottom of the earth


Antarctica is located at the bottom of the earthSource: Wikipedia

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