
JJ Watt and TJ Watt had a hilarious exchange about pregnancy news at CBS Pregame

JJ Watt and TJ Watt had a hilarious exchange about pregnancy news at CBS Pregame

TJ Watt spoke to CBS’ NFL today Crew before the Pittsburgh Steelers’ game against the Los Angeles Chargers on Sunday. This type of interview would have been unheard of a few years ago, but networks need to have access to players at all times. And if that means a guy’s brother interviewing him about his impending fatherhood when he should be mentally preparing to run full speed into other professional football players, so be it.

CBS’ JJ Watt began the brief interview by saying, “I know you’d rather be in the locker room right now than talking to me, so thank you for being with us.”

The younger Watt revealed that he worked up a sweat warming up and hoped that there would be good music playing in the dressing room when he got there so he could get in the mood and start visualizing, but then his brother completely distracted him by talking about how he was going to have a baby soon.

“I know you’re trying to get yourself in the mood,” JJ Watt said. “I know you and Dani just announced that you’re pregnant and expecting your first child. I personally know what that why means and how important that is, so I wanted to give you a little gift before you go back to the dressing room to congratulate you on your new child and wish you all the best.”

TJ then thanked his brother for getting him out of his thoughts. That’s what brothers are really for.

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