
“Justice for Mamta”; relatives want to find alleged body of woman from Manassas Park

“Justice for Mamta”; relatives want to find alleged body of woman from Manassas Park

As a makeshift memorial is erected outside Mamta Kafle Bhatt’s home in Manassas Park, the grief and mourning of friends and family grows for the 28-year-old mother, who is now presumed dead.

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Since Mamta’s case began, there has been a huge outpouring of support in the community and it seems that people have no intention of giving up their love for Mamta until justice is served and the authorities find her body.

A time of reflection, peace and healing was set aside for Saturday morning to give people space to process the recent developments, which revealed that Mamta’s husband was accused of killing her in her home and dragging her out of the house.

“These prayers are really for all of us and especially for Mamta,” said Holly Wirth, Mamta’s former colleague. “We are just humble servants trying to find justice for Mamta.”

The mother, the daughter, the sister and the friend have united a community in a way they wished didn’t exist.

“Today we are all suffering and we need to come together and find some joy in the midst of this terrible situation,” Wirth said.

People prayed, sang, held each other in their arms and cried – feelings that were difficult to process, but which they also knew would not last forever.

“The message of unity and healing is so important,” said Delegate Michelle Maldonado, who represents Manassas Park and the city of Manassas. “At some point we can smile and then at some point we can laugh about a funny memory.”

There are memories that Mamta’s best friend Nadia Navarro says she will cherish forever, even though Mamta’s life was short.

“Mamta had so many dreams that she will never achieve. She wanted to be a nurse. She wanted more children. She wanted so much and she will never be able to do it,” Navarro said. “She is a person with a big heart and she gives to others. It is appalling to me that her love was used against her.”

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Until Mamta’s body is found, community members say they will not stop searching for her and fighting for justice for their friend, who they believe deserves better.

“I am willing to do this because I loved her and I don’t want this to happen to more women,” Navarro said.

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