
“Karen” is verbally abused at the Los Angeles police station for telling the wrong black man to “go back to Africa”

“Karen” is verbally abused at the Los Angeles police station for telling the wrong black man to “go back to Africa”

A black man in Los Angeles recently experienced one of the unhappiest days of his life at a local police station, not because he had committed a crime — but because a woman in front of him in line was ranting and complaining about something he had done.

A video of the ensuing altercation has since been shared online, showing the angry white woman being reprimanded in the lobby and then escorted out of the building after telling the black man to go “back to the jungle” and “back to Africa.”

The woman apparently became enraged after the man called her a racist, but the full context of the altercation is unclear because the trigger for the altercation was not filmed.

“Karen” is verbally abused at the Los Angeles police station for telling the wrong black man to “go back to Africa”“Karen” is verbally abused at the Los Angeles police station for telling the wrong black man to “go back to Africa”
A video shows a woman screaming in a police station. (Photo: Reddit screenshot/Public Freakout)

Authorities have not been able to determine the identities of the two people in the video, and although the man cannot be seen, his voice makes it clear that he will not tolerate any disrespect.

During the profanity-filled argument, the woman falsely implied that the man was an illegal immigrant simply because he was black. The man did not take the accusations lightly and essentially verbally abused the woman.

When the officers did not respond to her accusations, she turned her anger on them. She accused them of not doing their jobs and absurdly ordered them to draw their weapons.

The footage, posted on the PublicFreakout subreddit, begins with the woman standing at the counter of the Hollywood police station, complaining to the officers sitting behind a glass wall.

It is unclear whether the woman was at the police station specifically to complain about the man, but the video shows her simply expressing her displeasure with him.

The woman claimed to work as a nurse at a local hospital, but during the argument she told the black man that her Hippocratic oath did not apply to people like him.

“You know what a hole, if I didn’t have to see people like you in the hospital, I would let them die!” she screamed, her voice echoing off the interior tiles.

The officer at the counter then appears to confront the woman about the derogatory comments she made to the man. The video then jumps forward a few seconds and starts again with the woman slamming her ID on the counter and angrily yelling at the officer, “You can’t validate these people and then take them off the streets!”

From the context, it was clear that the woman appeared to be referring to the man as an immigrant and her loud, agitated behavior suggested that she was outraged by the man’s presence.

She shouted at the police officer: “That’s right! You can’t do that! Because you’re just sitting here!”

It is not clear what sparked the argument, but the woman’s theatrics seemed more like feigned outrage.

“What’s your gun for? What’s your gun for?” she protested, waving her arms.

“Because if I had a gun, I would have shot it–” but her words suddenly stopped and became inaudible. Then she tried to curse at a male police officer and get him to draw his weapon.

“That’s right! That’s right! You don’t know how to use a gun, sir! You’re all just sitting here!”

Next, the footage jumps forward again, and this time the woman can be heard complaining about the police not going after the real criminals, whom she describes as “the drug-addicted, homeless black people that are roaming around here, OK. They’re destroying cars. And you let these people stay here. Yeah, that’s the city’s responsibility. They’re loitering around.”

At this point, the man interrupted the woman again. “She wants to shoot homeless people,” he complained to the officers.

“Sir, that’s none of your damn business!” she exploded.

“It’s my business, you stupid bitch,” he said abruptly to her. “Shut up!”

“It’s none of your damn business!” she screamed.

But the man was prepared for a quick reality check.

“Well, you’re standing here in public speaking, so I’m going to say something,” the man said. “That’s why you look like a… bitch. Look at you. You literally look like a bitch. Get a grip, lady. You look disgusting. You’re just miserable. No wonder you’re miserable, look at you. You’re shaped like an apple with little skinny legs. You look like… you know what? Look at you, you’re fucking broke! You’re broke. Your life sucks.”

The angry woman replied:

“Go back to the jungle! Go back to the jungle!” she screamed. “Go back to Africa! Go back to Africa! Go back to the jungle!”

The officers behind the counter could be heard telling the woman to “stop,” but she immediately pointed at the man and replied, “He started it!”

“Your life sucks!” the man continued. “Your life sucks, lady!”

“Go back to your damn jungle!” the woman screamed, seemingly out of breath.

“Look at you, you’re the one from the jungle, lady,” he said. “In your little five-dollar outfit.”

“Go back to your jungle. No, I’m American. Nobody brought me here,” she screamed.

The man insulted the woman. “You look disgusting!” he repeated several times.

“It’s too bad! It’s a damn disgrace. Look at you, you’re disgusting. You look dirty. You’re the one who started this, lady.”

The embarrassing altercation appeared to be the latest example of a “Karen” taking advantage of her white privilege, leading to another embarrassing public confrontation.

As this fight shows, episodes featuring “Karens” often result in dramatic showdowns in which a woman, frustrated at not getting her way, makes false claims and engages in manipulative behavior in an attempt to use the police as a weapon against black people.

Fortunately for the man in this case, the police did not fall for the woman’s theatrics. This is a contrast to countless other incidents across the country in recent years in which similar confrontations, often caught on video, revealed disturbing patterns of egregious behavior by some white women.

Another outrageous example of Karenism is Amy Cooper from Central Park in 2020. She called the police and falsely claimed that a black birdwatcher was threatening her, even though he was recording their interaction.

After a video surfaced on social media proving Cooper’s lie, she was fired and later charged with making a false police report. However, the charges were later dropped.

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