
Killeen Regional Airport invests millions in new runway

Killeen Regional Airport invests millions in new runway

KILLEEN, Texas – In recent years, Killeen Regional Airport has been renamed, new hangars have been built and even solar panels have begun to be installed over newly covered parking spaces.

On Tuesday, the Killeen City Council approved a new construction project costing over $7 million.

“Well, essentially it’s a small section of the taxiway that connects the aircraft parking area to the main runway, and that section of asphalt needs to be rehabilitated,” said Mike Wilson, executive director of aviation for the city of Killeen.

In contrast to the recently renovated runway, this section of the taxiway needs to be completely renovated.

“It doesn’t meet the new standard, so we don’t just have to renovate it, we have to completely relocate it.”

To meet the new standard, the taxiway must not be in a straight line with the runway, meaning it must curve somewhere between the parking area and the runway.

According to Killeen City Council member Jose Segarra, the project has already been paid for.

“We were able to raise the funding and that’s the good thing, you know,” Segarra said.

“The $6.8 million they got from the FAA.”

The rest is financed through various grants.

“Nothing comes from the taxpayers,” said Segarra.

Wilson said rebuilding the runway will also allow them to meet standards for larger aircraft and larger airlines – airlines they are actively trying to attract to Killeen Regional Airport.

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