
Legislative change will expand the use of recycled plastic in production

Legislative change will expand the use of recycled plastic in production

TOKYO >> Manufacturers that use large quantities of plastic will be required to set targets for the use of recycled plastic and to declare the amount actually used under a planned change in the law.

The move to tighten regulations on plastic use is intended to promote decarbonization, as most plastic waste in Japan is incinerated. Sources said the government plans to revise the law to promote effective use of resources as early as the next regular session of parliament in January.

The existing law provides for an effort-based obligation to use recycled plastic without setting any targets. A panel of experts from the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry should produce an interim report in July, which will also include the obligation to set target quantities and submit reports.

Industries that exceed a certain limit on plastic consumption will be subject to the stricter rules. According to the ministry and other sources, the new rules are likely to affect packaging and container manufacturers, electronic equipment manufacturers, automobile manufacturers and building materials producers.

The revised law would require each industry to formulate policies for expanding the use of recycled plastic. Companies would use these policies when setting targets. The revised law would also require companies to declare the actual amount of recycled plastic used, and relevant ministries would recommend or require improvements where necessary. Penalties would also be considered for companies that do not comply. The revised law would come into effect after a few years to give companies enough time to become familiar with it.

Currently, most of the plastic collected is burned to generate electricity. This is problematic because burning plastic releases large amounts of carbon dioxide. Some of the plastic is exported abroad and less than 10% is reused in Japan to make other products.

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