
Letter | Wisconsin still needs oil and natural gas | Letters to the editor

Letter | Wisconsin still needs oil and natural gas | Letters to the editor

Dear Editor, the author of “Together, we can harness cleaner energy” (August 14) is right when he says that we must address climate change. And solar energy is certainly part of the solution. But the challenge ahead is also to meet increasing electricity demand, and we cannot rely solely on intermittent sources like solar and wind.

We need a comprehensive approach to energy that includes the oil and natural gas industry – an industry that is also critical to Wisconsin’s economy and supports more than 150,000 jobs.

Oil and natural gas are America’s primary energy sources today and will continue to be so in the future. In the energy sector, wind and solar energy require natural gas as a partner to generate electricity when they are unavailable. In addition, natural gas is part of the climate solution, having been responsible for more than 60% of carbon dioxide emission reductions in the energy sector since 2005.

Wisconsinites also support natural gas and oil, both as a source of energy and as a way to combat inflation. In a recent poll, 80 percent of Wisconsin voters said they believe natural gas and oil produced here are essential to lowering energy costs and strengthening American security.

We can increase renewables in the energy mix without sacrificing the affordable, reliable energy that Wisconsin residents depend on every day. If elected officials keep this in mind, we will have a bright energy future.

Steven Rathert

Cottage Grove

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