
Linda Ronstadt criticizes Donald Trump as a “rapist” with “toxic politics”

Linda Ronstadt criticizes Donald Trump as a “rapist” with “toxic politics”

Linda Ronstadt posted a lengthy statement on Instagram in which she sharply criticized Donald Trump ahead of his campaign rally on September 12 at the Linda Ronstadt Music Hall in Tucson, Arizona. The singer wrote that she would “prefer to ignore” the Trump event, but “since my name is on the building, I have to say something.”

“It saddens me that the former president is bringing his demonstration of hate to Tucson, a city with deep Mexican-American roots and a joyful, tolerant spirit,” Ronstadt continued. “I don’t just condemn his toxic policies, his hatred of women, immigrants and people of color, his criminality, dishonesty and ignorance – although there’s nothing wrong with those either. For me, it comes down to this: In Nogales and across the southern border, the Trump administration has systematically torn apart immigrant families seeking asylum.”

“The separation of families left thousands of young children and babies orphaned and abused their desperate mothers and fathers,” she added. “It remains a humanitarian disaster that meets the criteria for torture, according to Physicians for Human Rights. There is no forgiving or forgetting the suffering he caused. Trump first ran for president by warning about rapists from Mexico. I worry about how to keep the rapist out of the White House.”

Ronstadt then sent a message to Trump’s running mate JD Vance: “I raised two adopted children as a single mother in Tucson. They are both grown and live in their own homes. I live with a cat. Am I half a childless cat lady because I am unmarried and have not given birth to my children?”

Ronstadt’s statement came in a week in which the singer spoke out against Trump. Taylor Swift officially endorsed Kamala Harris as a presidential candidate on September 10 and denounced Trump for using fake pictures of her at the beginning of his election campaign.

“I recently became aware that a message was posted on his website in which ‘I’ falsely endorsed Donald Trump’s candidacy for president,” Swift wrote. “This really heightened my fears about AI and the dangers of spreading misinformation. It made me realize that as a voter, I need to be very transparent about my actual plans for this election. The easiest way to combat misinformation is with the truth.”

After Swift endorsed Harris and urged her fans to register to vote before the election, Steve Nicks released a statement of her own on social media echoing Swift’s call for voter registration.

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