
“Live Like Mike” Chickasha welcomes deceased firefighter after delayed arrival from Jamaica

“Live Like Mike” Chickasha welcomes deceased firefighter after delayed arrival from Jamaica

A Chickasha firefighter died while on vacation in Jamaica, and his community fought to bring him home.

Firefighters in Chickasha have lost their brother and mentor. They said his presence filled every room and he made everyone feel special.

Chickasha Fire Chief Tony Samaniego waited 17 days to welcome his friend back home and say goodbye.

“It was a process,” said Samaniego. “We will miss him very much. We were a better place thanks to Michael Wise.”

Firefighter Wise died on July 22 while on vacation in Jamaica. Samaniego and the Tulsa Fire Department are working to bring Michael home.

“You take it second by minute – hour by hour,” Samaniego said. “It hurts, but there’s always a bigger picture. My main focus is to do everything we can to support the family right now.”

Wise’s body landed in Tulsa on Thursday afternoon. Samaniego and Wise served together for 18 years with the Newcastle and Chickasha fire departments.

“It was really a joy to see his daughter today because I see so much of him in her,” Samaniego said. “As good a firefighter as he was, I think he was most proud of being a good father and husband.”

Samaniego remembered their last moment together.

“He gave me a dollar and told me to get a Diet Coke,” Samaniego said. “Those little moments are the ones you miss.”

Wise arrived back in Chickasha shortly after 9 p.m. on Thursday.

“This will provide a little closure,” Samaniego said.

Samaniego said the brothers from Wise’s fire department will continue to serve and protect their community.

“This is exactly what Mike would have wanted from us,” Samaniego said. “Live like Mike.”

Wise will be buried Friday morning. He leaves behind his wife Dana and two children Avery and Isaac, as well as many other family members and friends.

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