
Majority owner and former CEO of Stinker Stores dies

Majority owner and former CEO of Stinker Stores dies

Charley Jones, majority owner of Boise, Idaho-based Stinker Stores since 2012 and former CEO of the company, died on Wednesdaysaid President and CEO Nate Brazier in a LinkedIn announcement.

Jones acquired Stinker, founded in 1936, with a business partner in 2002. In 2012, Jones bought out his partner and he and his wife Nancy became sole owners of the regional convenience store chain.

At about this time Jones was named Idaho Business Leader of the Year from Idaho State University. This award recognizes an Idaho business leader who has demonstrated outstanding business and professional ethics and supported community, civic and educational activities.

When Jones became majority owner of Stinker in 2012, the company had about 65 stores in its network, according to the Idaho Business Review. Today, Stinker has more than 100 stores in Colorado, Idaho and Wyoming.

Jones served as president and CEO of Stinker until 2021, when he appointed Brazier as president and COO. Earlier this year Brazier became CEOand Jones stepped down from his leadership position but retained ownership, Brazier said in a statement to C-Store Dive. Jones had been retired for three years.

Before the takeover of Stinker Jones worked in finance, accounting and management at various types of businesses, according to Stinker’s website. He and Nancy have two sons together, Nicholas and Duncan.


Charley Jones (right) with his wife and co-owner of Stinker Stores, Nancy.

Retrieved from Stinker Stores.

In his LinkedIn announcement, Brazier said Jones’ “unwavering dedication and commitment to his Stinker family will leave a mark on all of us and on future generations of Stinkers.”

“His unmatched business acumen combined with his generous and giving heart have made him Stinker’s hero for the past 20 years and a truly amazing visionary to work with,” said Brazier. “He may be gone, but he has not left us and I know he will be looking down on us, cheering us on and reminding us to ‘keep going!'”

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