
Making this year the best year ever – Casey Cuny

Making this year the best year ever – Casey Cuny

Stay humble and have fun

Casey Cunny
Hart District Teachers Association

My advice for starting the year is to focus on relationships first, content second, take it slow and work on really getting to know the students and letting them get to know you. For me, that means memorizing the names of all 180 students by the second day – I use mnemonics and study the list at home on the first night.

“When I can call every child by name when they come in on the second day, it completely changes the dynamic – behavior problems are gone and engagement has increased.”
—Casey Cunny

If I can call every child by name when they come into class on the second day, the dynamic changes completely—behavior issues are gone and engagement is up. Be open about your expectations and share that you don’t care what happened before this class and that they will perform better in your class than ever before. Use surveys to gather information about them and be prepared to humanize with pictures and stories. Rigor is built through relationships—so all that time you put in early will pay off later in the year.

My most important pro tip for educators is to stay humble. When we are humble, we see our mistakes as opportunities to grow. We don’t take the bad days that happen as personally as we could – and we are more approachable and empathetic to our students. Be humble with your colleagues. Humility also spurs learning and growth – the key to hands-on education.

Another pro tip: get kids talking and discussing throughout the class period. Discussions encourage critical thinking, increase engagement, and are the foundation for deep learning. At first, they won’t talk because they’ve been conditioned to sit quietly in the classroom – but train them to do it, motivate them, persuade them, and support them, and within a few weeks, the classroom will be full of conversations and ideas about your content. Do it in small groups or with neighbors first, then bring it to the whole class. How many kids sit in school and don’t say a word in class? Don’t let that happen in your classroom – give them a voice.

When I first started, I would take stacks of student work home to mark. Now I realize how unnecessary this is and how it leads to burnout. Create a classroom where learning and feedback happens during class. Streamline assessment practices and don’t assign routine tasks as homework. Make your health and well-being a priority – don’t check email after a certain time each day, prioritize family and friends, exercise and do things you enjoy. And most importantly, try to have fun every day.

Cuny is also California’s candidate for 2024 National Teacher of the Year. An avid union supporter, he has spoken to his school board and worked with union leadership to advocate for fair pay, a fair contract and teacher autonomy.

Read more about the other California Teachers of the Year 2024.

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