
Making this year the best year ever – Greg Wolf

Making this year the best year ever – Greg Wolf

Focus on what matters

Greg Wolf
Santa Ynez Valley Teachers Association

I find that the right way to start the new school year begins with prioritizing relationships. I firmly believe that trust and connection are the foundation of effective teaching and learning. During the first week of school, I focus solely on creating a welcoming and inclusive classroom environment while getting to know my students and learning about their strengths, challenges, and desires. This approach helps me create a classroom environment where students feel valued and supported, laying the foundation for meaningful engagement, challenging learning, and a positive classroom culture from day one.

My advice to my fellow CTAs striving for the best school year ever is to prioritize relationships in all aspects of your professional life. Build relationships with colleagues to share resources, collaborate on strategies, and support one another. These connections not only increase teaching effectiveness, but also create a network of allies who can help you overcome challenges and celebrate successes throughout the year.

To start strong and stay strong, self-care is essential. I recharge by spending at least an hour outside each day, often hiking in nature. This time allows me to clear my head, gain perspective, and recharge. I also value quality time with my family and animals, which brings joy and balance to my life. Setting boundaries is crucial; knowing when to say no and when to leave work at work ensures that I maintain a healthy work-life balance, which is essential for sustained effectiveness in the classroom.

By focusing on building relationships with students and colleagues, prioritizing self-care, and maintaining boundaries, educators can begin each school year with confidence and resilience. These practices not only contribute to a successful classroom environment, but also support personal well-being and ensure educators can do their best for their students all year long. Above all, my advice to other educators is to ignore the negative as much as possible and always
Focus on the only thing that really matters: the children.

Wolf currently serves as vice president of the Santa Ynez High School Faculty Association leadership team. The team is in the middle of contract negotiations.

Read more about the other California Teachers of the Year 2024.

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