
Meet Firefighter/EMT Gabby Grandin | Fire Department

Meet Firefighter/EMT Gabby Grandin | Fire Department

Where are you stationed?
Responsible for training paramedics at the fire department administration.

Why did you want to pursue this career?
I grew up playing a lot of team sports and always enjoyed being part of a team. I also really enjoy staying active and helping out. The fire service was a perfect combination of all of those things – being able to help people, staying active and being part of a team.

I learned about Firefighter/Paramedic Miles Williams of the Madison Fire Department during Covid. I lost my job during the pandemic and talked to him about job opportunities after a hockey game. I said, “Firefighters sound really cool, how can I get involved?” and he said, “You should get a ride,” so I set up a ride at Station 5A. A year and a half later, I graduated from Recruit Academy and my first station assignment was Station 5A! On my very first day of work at Station 5A, I got to work with Miles!

Why did you want to work in Madison?
I went to middle and high school in Madison. I left to get a college degree and play hockey for the Bowdin College Polar Bears in Maine. Then I boomeranged back here to work at Epic and I’ve been in Madison ever since.

My ride was very informative and the crew was so warm and encouraging that by the end of the ride I wanted to be a firefighter. I took the crew’s advice to heart and began taking fire and emergency medical services classes at Madison College to gain experience. Many of the college instructors were firefighters/paramedics with the fire department and they told me to apply to the City of Madison to become a career firefighter. They made me feel comfortable throughout the application and hiring process. I was determined to be a firefighter with the fire department – I didn’t apply anywhere else. I put all my eggs in one basket and it worked out!

What has been your most unforgettable experience as a firefighter/emergency doctor so far?
On my third day out of recruit academy, my team was the first on the scene of a house fire that had engulfed the kitchen. Everything I had trained for the past year came true in that moment. All the practice and training had conditioned me to know what to do in that moment. There was no room in my mind for doubt, pondering, or fear. I trusted my team, I knew my role, and together we entered with a hose and put out the fire. I will never forget that experience, especially that feeling of certainty and confidence when you go into an emergency. You always remember your first fire and I am thankful that in my memory no people or pets were hurt and the house was saved.

What do you love about Madison?
I love the community and all the little sub-communities within it. If you’re looking for a group, it probably already exists. And if not, you can start it and grow it into something great. I belong to a few hockey groups, a road bike group, and a group fitness class. I’ve made friends skating for Madison Roller Derby on the Reservoir Dolls, sharing the joy of board games and Dungeons ‘n’ Dragons, and volunteering at local animal shelters – I even have a group that gets together every Friday to celebrate and sample a different Madison seafood dinner. There are groups based on where you live, your ethnic or cultural background, things you identify with, and activities you enjoy. All the new community connections that form around us every day and bring our community together are unique to Madison and what makes Madison so remarkable.

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