
MH370: “Perfect hiding place” found

MH370: “Perfect hiding place” found

An Australian scientist appears to have come one step closer to solving the mystery surrounding flight MH370: He claimed to have discovered the “perfect hiding place” for the missing passenger plane.

As learned, the researcher from the University of Tasmania identified a “hole” in the Broken Ridge oceanic plateau in the southeastern Indian Ocean as the final resting place of the plane.

MH370: “Perfect hiding place” foundMH370: “Perfect hiding place” found
An Australian scientist believes MH370 was deliberately dived to a depth of 20,000 feet below sea level. BY: Sky News Australia

The “hole,” as Australian scientist Vincent Lyne describes it, contains underwater plateaus, volcanoes and deep gorges, which he believes could be the “perfect hiding place” for the missing aircraft MH370.

Lyne added that he was convinced that pilot Zaharie Ahmad Shah was aware of this rugged underwater terrain and “intentionally” dived the plane to a depth of 20,000 feet below the sea.

“This work changes the story of the MH370 disappearance from a case of no fault, a case of fuel starvation in the 7th arc and a high-speed dive, to a case of a mastermind pilot who almost engineered an incredibly perfect disappearance in the southern Indian Ocean,” the scientist was quoted as saying on the matter.

“With narrow, steep sides, surrounded by massive ridges and other deep holes, it is filled with fine sediments – a perfect hiding place.”

“This clearly vindicates the original claim made by the distinguished former Canadian air crash investigator Larry Vance, based on brilliant, expert and very careful analysis of the wreckage damage, that MH370 had fuel and engines running when it made a masterful ‘controlled ditching’, rather than a high-speed crash with no fuel available,” Lyne added in his statement.

The scientist has identified a “hole” in the Broken Ridge oceanic plateau in the southeast Indian Ocean as the plane’s final resting place. BY: Sky News Australia

He further claimed that the last known “exact location” of the missing passenger plane MH370 “was at the point where the longitude of Penang Airport in Malaysia intersected with the flight path of the home simulator of the aircraft’s pilot in command,” it was reported.

This flight route had already become known during the investigation into the disappearance of MH370.

However, Lyne noted that the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) and other investigators dismissed the incident as “irrelevant” at the time.

“This deliberately chosen, iconic site is home to a very deep, 6,000-metre-deep hole at the eastern end of the Broken Ridge in a harsh and dangerous marine environment known for its wild fishing grounds and new deep-sea species,” Lyne said.

“Whether to search for it or not is a matter for the authorities and search companies to decide, but as far as science is concerned, we know why the previous searches failed and likewise, science clearly indicates where MH370 is. In short, the mystery of MH370 has been comprehensively solved by science!”

Debris probably from Malaysia Airlines flight MH370Debris probably from Malaysia Airlines flight MH370
Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 was en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing in March 2014 when it disappeared. BY: MEGA

One of the most mysterious aircraft accidents of all time: Malaysian Airlines passenger flight MH370 inexplicably disappeared on March 8, 2014 during a flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing with 227 passengers and 12 crew members on board.

Almost an hour after takeoff, the plane deviated from its course just as it was about to enter Vietnamese airspace over the South China Sea.

“Malaysian military and civilian radar began tracking the aircraft as it turned and then flew southwest over the Malaysian peninsula and then northwest over the Strait of Malacca. At 2:22 a.m., Malaysian military radar lost contact with the aircraft over the Andaman Sea.” Britannica wrote a detailed report about the secret.

“An Inmarsat satellite in geostationary orbit over the Indian Ocean received hourly signals from Flight 370 and last detected the aircraft at 8:11 a.m.”

Debris probably from Malaysia Airlines flight MH370Debris probably from Malaysia Airlines flight MH370
The disappearance of MH370 is considered one of the most mysterious airline mysteries. BY: MEGA

Ten years have passed since the flight disappeared and even thorough investigations into the incident have not led to a satisfactory explanation or solution to the problem.

Accordingly Aviation todayThe final investigation report by the Malaysian Civil Aviation Authority in 2018 did not provide any “communication, navigation or surveillance-based evidence” that could have explained the flight’s disappearance.

“Investigators say that lack of access to the cockpit voice recorder, the flight data recorder and the main wreckage of the plane prevents them from providing conclusive evidence of what caused the plane to disappear from air traffic control radar screens,” the newspaper wrote at the time.

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