
Ministry of Land and Natural Resources

Ministry of Land and Natural Resources


Posted on September 18, 2024 in Main, Press Releases, Slider, State Parks




18 September 2024


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HONOLULU — The Kalalau Trail in Nāpali Coast State Wilderness Park will remain closed to visitors beyond tomorrow following the recent norovirus outbreak among park visitors. The DLNR will partially open the trail to Hanakāpīʻai for day trips only starting Sept. 21, before a full opening is determined later. Any hiking beyond Hanakāpīʻai may result in citations or arrest.

The total number of norovirus cases reported to date is approximately 50 and remains stable. The onset of new cases peaked on September 2, and no new cases have been reported with onset after September 4. Although the increased public health risk has subsided, the Hawaii Department of Health (DOH) will continue to investigate case reports and monitor for norovirus-like symptoms during emergency department and urgent care visits. In addition, it will request that cases be reported by park visitors and/or health care providers.

Extensive preventative measures were implemented during the closure and are still ongoing. The DLNR Division of State Parks (DSP) is conducting several thorough cleaning and disinfection efforts at rest areas along the trail and at the Kē’ē Beach trailhead.

DSP is producing DOH-recommended signs and planning a helicopter flight to Kalalau to install them while additional disinfection of the facilities is underway.

A sign will display recommendations for campers and hikers on how to prevent the spread of diseases such as norovirus. A second sign will be placed outside the sea cave, next to the Kalalau camping area.

Water testing by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) found evidence of fecal contamination in the cave. Due to this contamination, the cave remains closed. It is not accessible during the winter months because it is blocked by winter ocean swell. Visitors are reminded that it is against the law to urinate or defecate in any way other than the restrooms provided. CDC testing of water, sand, and sediment from Kalalau Valley found no norovirus.

DLNR Chair Dawn Chang said, “This was an unprecedented situation. As soon as we learned that people were getting sick in Kalalau, we coordinated with the Department of Health to ensure we were following all recommended protocols. The DLNR’s primary concern is public health and safety, and the protection and preservation of natural and cultural resources. Until we are confident that these issues have been adequately addressed, we will err on the side of caution. We thank the community and visitors for their patience.”

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(All images/videos courtesy of DLNR)

HD Video – Aerial Views of Kalalau, Comfort Station and Sea Cave (September 5, 2024):

Photos – Kalalau, Comfort Station and Sea Cave (September 5, 2024):

Media contact:

Daniel Dennison

Director of Communications

Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources

(email protected)

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