
Miss Manners: Fine paper goods retailer really doesn’t want your dripping ice cream in their store

Miss Manners: Fine paper goods retailer really doesn’t want your dripping ice cream in their store

DEAR MISS MANNERS: I own a store where I sell fine paper goods. After countless coffee stains and food stains appeared on the merchandise, I put up a “NO FOOD OR DRINK” sign near the front door. People still come in with greasy pizza slices, dripping ice cream cones and overflowing cups of coffee.

When I repeat my rule and point to a tray where they can put their food or drink while they shop, they glare at me and storm out like I’m the bad guy. Is there a way to enforce my rule without them getting mad?

DEAR READER: Signs do indeed have authority—and people can conveniently blame them when enforcing the rules proves difficult. Pointing sheepishly at one and holding out a parking tray for the offending food and drink is pretty much all you can do.

Miss Manners hopes that when rude and inconsiderate customers leave the store, you can take comfort in the fact that the loss of a potential sale is less costly than a pile of greasy, unusable stationery. Her better behaved customers will appreciate it.

DEAR MISS MANNERS: I have grown close to a friend over the past few years. Although I do not see her husband often, when I do, he never misses an opportunity to say something derogatory about (or to) my friend.

Is there anything I can say or do to politely make it clear that I am uncomfortable with these comments? I feel that someone needs to stand up to this bully, but I suspect that is probably not my job and that it could be offensive to my friend.

READER: “Please be nice to my friend. I’m sure we all have our faults, but I adore her and will not listen to anything that admonishes her. Now, Emmy, tell me again about your successes at work.”

Please send your questions to Miss Manners via her website,; to your email, [email protected]; or by mail to Miss Manners, Andrews McMeel Syndication, 1130 Walnut St., Kansas City, MO 64106.

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