
Moose almost as big as house looks through window of house in Colorado

Moose almost as big as house looks through window of house in Colorado

To deal with these nosy neighbors, you may need to get blinds.

However, if you don’t mind families of moose (I keep saying “moose” here) stopping by, the floor-to-ceiling windows in this Colorado home are ideal for wildlife viewing. And that’s certainly true when wild animals get so close—and it looks like they’re peering through the windows.

People don’t realize how big these animals really are, so seeing a moose so close to a house, almost eye-level with the roof line, should give you a clearer picture. Moose are the largest deer in the deer family, and males are usually larger than females. Bull moose average 6 feet tall at the shoulder and can even weigh up to 1,300 pounds, while cows typically weigh 1,000 pounds at most (and can also grow up to 6 feet tall).

This mother moose and her two calves may not be the biggest moose you’ll ever see, but they’re still nothing to be sniffed at. And it’s intimidating when they get so close to a house:

My goodness…I wouldn’t mind plopping down in one of those chairs or the hot tub and watching my own personal live broadcast of Planet Earth.

Social media users who came across the footage couldn’t believe how big the cow moose was as she walked past the house, leaving comments underneath the video such as:

“When you stand on the terrace you really get a sense of its size!”

“This is actually the best representation of how big these animals are.”

“Oh my gosh! We have plenty of deer, but this momma moose is a whole different story – she’s HUGE.”

“This is what happens when you build your dream home on a mountaintop in moose country.”

And I have to take a moment to highlight a response that really surprised me. Somehow, in just three sentences, this Instagram user made a hilarious observation with a surprising ending:

“A very dangerous situation. If they find a way in and use the hot tub, you will NEVER get rid of them. They will be there every Saturday night.”

I never even thought that this was a possibility…

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