
NCBCE uses grants to expand pre-apprenticeship program –

NCBCE uses grants to expand pre-apprenticeship program –

“It’s a good approach because the reality is that given the labor shortage, it’s difficult to find employees with the skills you want,” he said. said“And by targeting young people and secondary schools, it creates a natural source of talent for employers.”

There are over 1,200 occupations in which apprenticeships are offered, Harrington saidWhen you think of apprenticeships, most people think of skilled trades such as plumbing and carpentry, although industries such as manufacturing, education and healthcare also offer apprenticeships, said.

Some of the critical sectors NCBCE will focus on in this program include advanced manufacturing, healthcare, early childhood education, information technology, cybersecurity and clean energy, Sullivan said.

The program will promote equal opportunity by providing students with transportation and funding for educational materials, paying mentors an additional stipend, and giving students the opportunity to learn and earn money. Morgan Crawfordthe Deputy Director of the NCBCE, said.

“Many students have to work while in high school, and these programs provide an opportunity to work and earn money while in high school,” Sullivan said. said.

Crawford said The program will also pilot support for registered education programs for students with autism spectrum disorders or other intellectual disabilities.

“We’re really trying to remove as many barriers as possible that prevent students from finding careers where they can earn living wages and support their families,” Turner said. said.

By being paid while working and receiving the support of a mentor through these programs, students complete the program with a sense of confidence about their current state of life, said.

Harrington said that theAlthough there are numerous opportunities throughout the state, people often don’t hear about training opportunities or think they are too good to be true.

“It is becoming more and more popular and is being used more and more,” he said. said. “But we still have a long way to go.”


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