
Nevada Treasury Announces Fourth Annual What Do You Want to Be When You Grow Up Art Contest

Nevada Treasury Announces Fourth Annual What Do You Want to Be When You Grow Up Art Contest

RENO, Nevada – The Nevada Department of Revenue has announced its fourth annual What Do You Want to Be When You Grow Up Art Contest, which will take place August 12 through October 13. The contest offers all students in preschool through 12th grade the opportunity to use their artistic talents to create original artwork that represents what they want to be when they grow up. Winners will receive money for their 529 college savings accounts.

“Our art contest provides students in our community with a unique opportunity to express themselves creatively. By participating, students begin to dream about life after high school, gain confidence, develop their artistic skills, and have a chance to win a scholarship to college,” said Dr. Tya Mathis-Coleman, Assistant Treasurer for College Savings Plans at the Nevada Department of Revenue. “The contest is our opportunity to celebrate their talents and encourage them to turn their art into a future career and start planning for their post-secondary education today!”

First, second, and third place winners will be selected from each grade level. First place winners will receive $1,000, second place winners will receive $500, and third place winners will receive $250. All prize money will be paid in the form of a 529 college savings account. In addition, the teacher with the most entries from their class or school will receive a $200 gift card.

For more information on how to enter and to see last year’s contest winners, visit

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