
New airport in Nicaragua will be able to handle 3.5 million travelers

New airport in Nicaragua will be able to handle 3.5 million travelers

This was recently stated by the Minister of Transport and Infrastructure (MTI), Oscar Mojica, in the programme Revista en Vivo on Channel 4. He specified that this airport will be a category 4F airport with a runway length of over 3,600 metres.

“This means it will be able to accommodate larger aircraft without weight and balance restrictions,” explained the head of the MTI.

He added that the airport will also allow direct flights to Nicaragua from the most remote latitudes and regions of the world, which will represent an important step forward in economic and other relations with the rest of the world. In his speech, the minister referred to the import of machines that arrived in the country from China last week and will be used in the construction of the airport.

“This is also a historic milestone that, for the first time in 60 years, Nicaragua is embarking on the construction of a new airport with exceptional characteristics to connect our country with every region of the world,” he stressed.

On the other hand, Mojica commented on the construction of the new port of Bluefields on the southern Caribbean coast, which is also considered a major initiative of the Sandinista executive.

“Our good government is characterized by its ability to face these challenges with great strength and determination and to ensure all the necessary elements to make these great challenges a reality within a reasonable timeframe,” he stressed.

According to the Nicaraguan authorities, relations with China are developing steadily, as demonstrated by the implementation of the free trade agreement since January and the recent opening of a direct sea route.


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