
New ordinance permitting food trucks in Park Township

New ordinance permitting food trucks in Park Township

PARK TWP. – After years of investigation, Park Township has passed an ordinance allowing and regulating food trucks within the municipality.

Discussions at the Planning Commission level began months ago, and the ordinance was approved by the Park Township Board of Trustees on Thursday, August 8.

In her report to the board, Community Development Director Meika Weiss said the ordinance is based on an earlier draft but takes a less regulated approach.

“The intent is to enforce as few regulations as possible to prevent nuisance while allowing residents to enjoy these small businesses unhindered,” Weiss wrote.

Under the new ordinance, all food trucks operating in the Township must meet the licensing requirements for a mobile food station or special temporary food station established by the state and/or Ottawa County.

The regulation allows food trucks to operate in five different areas, but under certain conditions. These are:

  • On private property on which an existing business is operated
  • Non-commercial properties such as schools, parks, camps, churches, public and private parks and government buildings
  • Any property used as a residential property for a maximum of three non-consecutive days
  • In the C-1 Neighborhood Business District and the C-2 Resort Service District, subject to site plan approval by the Planning Commission
  • Within the rights of way at community events such as street festivals and flea markets in the neighborhood with the appropriate permits

“It allows food trucks in one form or another to operate in most areas of the municipality, using a phased regulatory approach that allows frequent operation in areas designated for business purposes, occasional operation in semi-public locations, and infrequent operation in residential areas,” Weiss said.

“The ordinance also allows for the establishment of a permanent or semi-permanent food truck space and, with regulatory approval, permits the limited placement of additional food trucks during large regional festivals (such as Tulip Time).”

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The ordinance comes at a time when new pickleball courts were recently completed at the former Park Township Airport. The ordinance allows tournaments to be held with on-site food options for participants and visitors.

The ordinance passed Thursday does not change how food trucks operate at the Ottawa County Fairgrounds.

— Contact reporter Austin Metz at [email protected].

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