
New products and opportunities for women

New products and opportunities for women

The report, titled “Detailed Analysis Report on FFCs Reported in FY 2023,” was prepared by Japan-based nutraceuticals consulting firm Smooth Link Inc.

In fiscal year 2023, 1,443 cases of foods with functional claims (FFCs) were reported to the Consumer Affairs Agency (CAA), the authority responsible for overseeing the FFC system. This was slightly more than the 1,429 cases reported in the previous year.

In terms of product categories, food supplements accounted for 55.6% of the total, processed foods 41.6% and fresh foods the rest.

Notably, the number of FFCs claiming to support femcare increased from six in fiscal year 2015 to 58 in fiscal year 2023.

For example, the first FFC for Lactobacillus GR-1 (Lactobacillus rhamnosus​) and Lactobacillus RC-14 (Lactobacillus reuteri​) was filed in January 2021 for its ability to promote a favorable vaginal environment and vaginal conditioning. To date, nine such products have been marketed by eight companies.

Well-known names from the industry have also entered the market.

In July 2023, Asahi Group Foods, Ltd. filed an FFC for L. gasseri​ CP2305 supports “the ability to reduce transient premenstrual dysphoric mood, mental fatigue, and somnolence in healthy women with normal menstrual cycles.”

In December of the same year, Tokiwa Ltd. filed an FFC containing hyperoside and isoquercetin derived from Apocynum venetum, with the health claim that it “helps to improve transient premenstrual dysphoric mood in healthy adult women with regular menstrual cycles”.

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