
New restaurant opens in Downtown Space in Westchester

New restaurant opens in Downtown Space in Westchester

A restaurant is preparing to open a new space that will bring flavors from Japan to Westchester.

According to a job posting on the restaurant’s door and on the company’s website, X Sushi Express will open a new location at 35 Mamaroneck Avenue in White Plains.

Google Maps Street View

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The franchise, which serves a wide variety of maki rolls, sushi, sashimi and salads, already has a location at 1925 Commerce St. in Yorktown and will soon open a new location in Bedford Hills on Bedford Road.

The franchise offers specialty sushi rolls such as the “Mind Eraser” roll, which comes with spicy crab meat, yellowtail, jalapeño and spicy sriracha, the “Angry Wolf” roll with tempura crab meat, tempura shrimp, cream cheese, cucumber and sesame soy sauce, and the Yorktown roll, which includes super lump crab, shrimp tempura, mango, avocado, steamed lobster and masago.

The location will offer online ordering when it opens. An opening date has not yet been announced.

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