
New SNAP (Food Stamps) regulation for 53- to 54-year-olds in the USA: Less than 50 days

New SNAP (Food Stamps) regulation for 53- to 54-year-olds in the USA: Less than 50 days

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) have announced SNAP rule changes coming soonGet ready if you are a physically healthy adult without dependents and you want to receive Food stamps for over 3 months in 3 years.

If you do not meet the specific job requirements and are between 18 and 54 years old, you can onlyreceive SNAP Benefits for a total of three months. But what are the Conditions set by the USDA?

SNAP and ABAWD work requirements

In fact, USDA offers several options to meet specific work requirements, so you can choose the one that best suits you based on your personal situation. Some Americans ages 18 to 54 may be eligible for an exemption.

This new ABAWD time limit for 18- to 54-year-olds SNAP recipients begin October 12024. So it will come into effect in less than 50 days. These specific requirements require you to work at least 80 hours per month.

It does not matter if you receive money, services or goods in return. In fact, the work can also be done on a volunteer basis. Another option is to participate in training programs with the same number of hours (80). For example, SNAP Employment and Training in addition to other eligible local, state or federal programs. A combination of work and training may also be possible.

Who is exempt from the ABAWD work requirement and the SNAP benefit deadline?

If you are 24 years or younger and living in foster care on your 18th birthday, you are eligible for an exemption. If you are homeless, you do not have to meet these specific work requirements.

Veterans can also receive an exemption, just like people with a disability or if they pregnantIf you have a child or a person under the age of 18 living in your household, you can avoid this deadline and the additional workload.

Disabilities can include mental or physical limitations. If you do not meet the work requirements of ABAWD, you will lose your Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program benefits after 3 months.

How does the presence of a child or person under 18 in the household affect the ABAWD work requirements for SNAP benefits?

With a Child or a person under 18 years in the household eexempts a person from ABAWD (Working-age adults without dependents) Work requirements for SNAP benefits. Here are the key points:

  • The general SNAP work requirements apply to able-bodied individuals ages 16 to 59 unless they meet certain exceptions. One exception is caring for a child under age 6 or someone who is unable to work.
  • The ABAWD work requirement and time limit applies to able-bodied adults ages 18 to 49 (the age limit rises to 54 by 2024) who have no dependents. If anyone under the age of 18 lives in your SNAP household, you are exempt from the ABAWD rules.
  • *The general work rules apply to adults with children. However, the stricter ABAWD rules do not apply if you have a child under 18 in your SNAP household. You do not have to work or train 80 hours per month and the 3-month limit does not apply.
  • Recent amendments to the Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023 will gradually increase the age limit for ABAWD to 54 years by 2024. However, children under 18 will continue to be exempt from ABAWD rules.

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