
New York artist surprises with homage to Stewart’s shop

New York artist surprises with homage to Stewart’s shop

While browsing R/HudsonValley I came across this gorgeous piece – a charming watercolor painting of Stewart’s Shops in Maybrook by Bryan Madden

(BryanEtch on Instagram and BryanEtch on Etsy).

I was immediately drawn to Bryan’s artwork, not only for its artistic finesse, but also for his deep connection to Stewart’s, which resonates deeply with many of us in the Hudson Valley.
Since moving here to Poughkeepsie, Stewart’s has become a daily ritual, especially the 2 for $6 cheeseburger deal – a lunchtime favorite.

When he contacted Bryan via Instagram, he summed up Stewart’s appeal beautifully:
“I grew up in Westchester, went to school in upstate New York and my grandparents lived in Lake George. So I’ve made a lot of trips upstate and a small aspect of all of those special places is Stewart’s Shops. It’s like a regular grocery store but the charm is turned up to the extreme. Their food and drinks are good! The people are so local and genuine. Whenever I drive into Stewart’s area I have to stop. There’s just something warm about it, like visiting family. That’s what I wanted to capture in my painting.”
Bryan uses pencil sketches, micron pens and professional watercolors in his work, vividly expressing the charm of Stewart on cold-pressed watercolor paper.
His Etsy page (BryanEtch on Etsy) has rave reviews, with some Maybrook residents expressing their excitement at seeing a well-known local landmark in watercolor.

Bryan’s art not only preserves Stewart’s spirit, but also evokes a sense of community and nostalgia among viewers on Reddit
Bryan’s portfolio also includes other popular establishments such as Connecticut’s legendary pizzerias – Frank Pepe’s, Sally’s and Modern Pizza.

Each piece reflects his talent for capturing the essence of beloved places and making them timeless through his art.

Is your favorite Stewart’s store the best in the Hudson Valley, NY?

Are you really from the Hudson Valley, NY if you don’t go to Stewart’s shop often? Where does your favorite local Stewart’s land on this list of the best?

Gallery credit: Conor Walsh

Here are the 8 best things about Stewart’s Shops, according to the Hudson Valley

Everyone has a place that they love to visit and that makes them feel comfortable and at home. For me, a visit to Stewart’s Shops has always evoked those good feelings and excitement.

A survey was conducted on WRRV’s Facebook page with the question:

“What is the main reason you love Stewart’s?”

With over 40 comments on social media, Facebook users and Hudson Valley residents wanted to share their love for local Stewart’s shops.

Gallery credit: Allison Kay, Facebook, Stewart’s Shops

Show your love for Stewart’s Shops with new Stewart’s Merch

Is there a Stewart’s Shop lover in your life? The Stewart’s Merch Shop will change their life!

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