
Noisy neighbor was always talking on the phone right outside this guy’s room, so he decided to disrupt her conversations with his speakers » TwistedSifter

Noisy neighbor was always talking on the phone right outside this guy’s room, so he decided to disrupt her conversations with his speakers » TwistedSifter

Noisy neighbor was always talking on the phone right outside this guy’s room, so he decided to disrupt her conversations with his speakers » TwistedSifterNoisy neighbor was always talking on the phone right outside this guy’s room, so he decided to disrupt her conversations with his speakers » TwistedSifter

Shared living spaces can be challenging, especially if your neighbors make more noise than you’re used to.

When talking to them doesn’t help, sometimes you have to get creative.

Let’s look at the story…

So a bit of context: I live in a huge apartment complex – 53 buildings, each with 6 stories and 4 apartments on each floor.

We all have common places to walk, hang out, exercise, and walk our pets.

This girl didn’t move from the spot!

I’ve been living here for a year and a half with my girlfriend and our dog in a first floor apartment, and just recently, about a couple of days ago, this woman came in the middle of the night in her pajamas with her phone and had the longest conversations right outside our bedroom.

It happens between 8 and 9 o’clock and she is there for quite a long time.

Yesterday I simply pulled up the blinds, looked at them and closed them again.

She didn’t move until she was finished.

He decided to take revenge!

When I got home from work today, I saw that she was already there, so I took my speaker and put it as loud as I could right next to the window where she is sitting.

I went to bed with my girlfriend between 10:30 and 11:00 p.m. and she was no longer there, but I couldn’t immediately check whether the speaker function was working or not.

He is aware of his actions…

I fully realize this is petty as hell, especially since I see no reason why she should go.

Directly in front of our apartment is not part of our apartment, but a shared space with the entire community, although I find this extremely annoying.

He wants to go one step further.

I don’t think a complaint would be successful at all, so I’ve decided to be petty.

I’ve also thought about putting large plants and pots in that spot or just moistening the soil heavily so she can’t sit down.

He wants a different perspective!

What would you do?

This man is not to be trifled with!

Let’s find out what people on Reddit think about this story.

This person did something really funny!

Source: Reddit/Little Revenge Source: Reddit/Little Revenge

This person doesn’t mind playing a little prank on the girl.

Source: Reddit/Little Revenge Source: Reddit/Little Revenge

This person wants to record the conversations!

Source: Reddit/Little Revenge Source: Reddit/Little Revenge

This person has another funny suggestion.

Source: Reddit/Little Revenge Source: Reddit/Little Revenge

This person shares their favorite revenge story!

Source: Reddit/Little Revenge Source: Reddit/Little Revenge

Nobody wants their peace and quiet to be disturbed by a phone call.

This girl better find somewhere else!

If you enjoyed this story, check out this post about a daughter who invited herself to her parents’ 40th wedding anniversary vacation for all the wrong reasons.

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