
Nutritionist and expert on highly processed foods reveals 3 healthy, quick dinners

Nutritionist and expert on highly processed foods reveals 3 healthy, quick dinners

Linia Patel is part of a team at the University of Milan that is researching the limitations of the UPF definition and its links to chronic diseases.

UPFs contain ingredients not found in a normal kitchen, such as gelling agents or colorings, and are produced using industrial processes. They are usually high in salt, sugar and fat and low in fiber and other nutrients, and are also shelf-stable and convenient. Some healthy foods, such as brown bread or yogurt, can sometimes be highly processed.

Patel said that while people tend to eat “way too many” UPFs, we should focus on eating nutritious whole foods and cooking for ourselves rather than cutting them out, which could be tough for some. Research suggests that the average American gets more than 60% of their daily calories from UPFs.

Patel applies this in her own life by following what she calls the 80/20 rule. Most of the time she eats minimally processed, healthy foods, and the remaining 20% ​​she eats whatever she wants.

“It can be added sugar, it can be highly processed food. But I do it completely guilt-free,” she said.

Patel often balances UPFs with nutritious food for her dinner since she has a busy schedule. Here is her dinner.

Salmon with Thai curry paste, brown rice and vegetables

A quick dinner Patel likes to make is salmon with brown rice and lots of vegetables. If she’s short on time, she might use a store-bought Thai curry paste, which is considered highly processed, to season the salmon.

For them, this does not change the fact that it is a healthy, balanced meal.

She prefers to focus on how to add nutrients to a meal rather than excluding certain types of foods.

Shrimp Fajita Wrap

Another favorite meal for Patel is a fajita wrap. She usually uses store-bought wraps that are highly processed, but when she can find them, she opts for something made from whole grains. If she has time, she makes them herself.

For the wrap filling, she prepares a sticky shrimp mixture and adds canned chickpeas for extra fiber and protein.

It is served with a large salad, salsa or guacamole with tomatoes.

“Any opportunity to get more vegetables is always good,” she said.

Bowl of fresh guacamole on a table

Patel often eats guacamole.

Sergio Mendoza Hochmann/Getty Images

Fried Quinoa

Making a stir-fry with a bag of pre-cut vegetables is quick and easy, Patel said.

She adds some chicken and quinoa to her dish, which is a great source of protein and high in fiber.

She usually uses soy sauce, garlic and ginger for seasoning. But if she doesn’t have time, she buys a ready-made sauce from the store.

“If I have to use a ready-made sauce, that’s great as long as the rest of my food is good,” she said.

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