
NW Natural’s lack of transparency surrounding hydrogen blending project is troubling • Oregon Capital Chronicle

NW Natural’s lack of transparency surrounding hydrogen blending project is troubling • Oregon Capital Chronicle

Like many of my neighbors in Southeast Portland, I recently learned about an alarming project in our area: NW Natural has started quietly By adding hydrogen to the gas that is piped into our homes, it is used in appliances such as stoves and furnaces.

This news has prompted me to investigate the potential consequences of this change to our gas supply, and I think all Portland residents should be aware of the risks.

What I have learned is worrying. Hydrogen is more prone to leaksmore flammable and explosive than methane gas. A study in the UK found that explosions quadruple if hydrogen were to replace gas in households. While the current amount of hydrogen being supplied to households is very smallplant NW Natural Increase the volume essential. I did not sign this – and I do not want hydrogen in my house.

Even more troubling than the immediate risks is the lack of transparency surrounding this project. No one knocked on my door to inform me of these changes to my gas service. NW Natural did no outreach whatsoever before launching this project. Even more troubling is that regulators in Oregon did not approve it – the utility exploited a loophole in the law and bypassed the usual oversight common to similar projects across the country.

This is not the first time that NW Natural has attempted such a project. A few years ago, the company leave a similar hydrogen blending initiative in Eugene after community opposition. The fact that NW Natural is now quietly implementing this initiative in Portland without addressing the concerns that led to the Eugene project being cancelled is deeply troubling.

NW Natural claims this project is part of its plan to reduce emissions, but environmental groups agree that hydrogen should never be used in homes. Several independent studies have concluded that hydrogen gas will not play a significant role in heating homes or addressing the climate crisis in the future. There are better ways to reduce emissions and improve our lives in Portland, rather than endangering them.

Instead of this risky experiment, Oregon should pursue safer and more effective ways to reduce fossil fuel pollution in our homes, such as electric heat pumps. I recently switched to a heat pump and love it. It is safer, cleaner and highly efficient. Heat pumps reduce climate pollution from Oregon homes by 41% in the first year compared to the gas ovens.

My heat pump also provides cooling in my home, which I am grateful for as Oregon experiences increasingly hot summers. Many of my neighbors do not have adequate cooling systems and are therefore exposed to extreme heat events. As heat waves become more severe due to climate change, it is important that communities receive support in preparing their homes for the challenges ahead.

As a longtime Portland resident, I find it troubling that NW Natural is operating without adequate oversight and transparency, especially given the history of community resistance in Eugene. Our state has better options than hydrogen blending to reduce emissions. While we focus on upgrading homes with high-efficiency electric appliances, we cannot allow profit-driven fossil fuel companies like NW Natural to push forward with dangerous projects that put Oregonians at risk.

It’s time for our leaders to consider the impact of this dangerous experiment and support Oregonians in embracing modern technologies that will improve our lives. Our safety, our health, and our climate future depend on it. Eugene residents have shown that collective action can stop these risky projects – now it’s Portland’s turn to stand up for our safety and our future.

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