
Old message telling people with disabilities to “come upstairs” to use the elevator goes viral and sparks online outrage

Old message telling people with disabilities to “come upstairs” to use the elevator goes viral and sparks online outrage

Old message telling people with disabilities to

The post has garnered more than 85,000 upvotes.

Wheelchair assistance for people with disabilities has long been a pressing issue in many areas. While some buildings provide accessible facilities, others are not equipped with inadequate ramps. Amid this situation, an image of an old note on a building has confused social media users. The note asks people to go upstairs and inform a staff member that they need to use the elevator provided for them. In a Reddit post, user “emotional_platypuss” shared the image of the note. “To use the handicapped lift, please come upstairs to the buffet and inform a staff member so we can turn on the power. Thank you,” it said.

Take a look below:

Thank you for the accessibility
by you/Emotional_platypuss inmildlyinfuriating

The post was shared just a few days ago. Since then, it has garnered more than 85,000 upvotes. In the comments, users expressed their disappointment with the person who wrote the note. Some even pointed out that the note contained a typo.

“Either they are so stingy that they don’t want to ‘waste power’ when someone who is not disabled uses the elevator. Or the elevator doesn’t actually work. They just had to put it in because there are disability ordinances and this is their way of complying without actually complying with them,” wrote one user.

“It’s unbelievable that people are smart enough to make this sign but not smart enough to realize how damn stupid it is. I know it’s not hard to make a sign. But looking at the content of the sign, I’m impressed that the creators even know how to put on pants,” another user commented sarcastically.

“To reach the elevator, please climb this ladder, swing down the rope, swim through the pool, beat the alligator, crawl through the pipe, escape the lion, then let us know so we can turn the power on,” a third user added.

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“I came across one of these but it had no sign so I went through the gate, closed it and pressed the button. Nothing. I tried to go out but no, now the gate was locked. Great, so now I’m trapped myself. No phone number, no telephone, no call button, no one around. I tried shouting to hear if anyone was upstairs to help but to no avail,” said a fourth user.

“I found their website and phone number and called but no one answered. 15 minutes later in the sweltering heat (it was outside, in a back parking lot, in the blazing sun in mid-summer) I finally got someone on the phone. Apparently the elevator wasn’t working properly and now I was stuck. It took them another 15 minutes to force it open. I’m not in a wheelchair but I have trouble standing for long periods of time and there was no place to sit,” the user added.

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