
On bad days, Annie Gohean draws inspiration from her teammates from Cedar Park

On bad days, Annie Gohean draws inspiration from her teammates from Cedar Park

Faces off the Field takes an in-depth look into the lives and minds of Austin-area high school athletes. Today we feature cross-country runner Annie Gohean of Cedar Park, who aspires to run the mile in the Olympics.

All about Annie: A little more speed would do this long-distance runner good

What was the highlight of your summer?

The highlight of my summer this year was that I had a lot to do and was able to spend every day with my friends, especially my teammates. Even though I didn’t have the luxury of sleeping in, I took plenty of naps while sunbathing which made up for it.

If you could have a superpower, what would it be?

I would of course choose Superspeed because track and cross country would be much easier.

What do you think is the greatest invention in the world?

Mott’s fruit snacks.

If a caveman could live in modern times, what would he be most impressed by?

A caveman would probably be most fascinated by the fact that we torture people by forcing them to go to school.

Tell me something about yourself that most people don’t know.

Most people don’t know that I hate driving because all I do is buy gas.

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Finding friends through long-distance running

What made you want to run cross country?

I joined the team because I wasn’t very good at playing volleyball and needed a way to stay active. I got really serious about running because an older girl on the team became my sister and best friend by pushing me to my limits and teaching me so much about running and life. Through her, I learned to take running seriously and how much fun it really is.

If you could participate in any Olympic sport, which would it be?

I would choose a mile because it is short enough to still be entertaining, but still a long distance.

FACES OFF THE PITCH: Layla Todd, outside hitter, Lake Travis High

What do you think about when you run?

When I’m running alone, I come up with so many random scenarios, like what would I do right now if this bridge completely collapsed. I also think about random math and make up mental parts and times because then my brain doesn’t hurt. Making up dramas is definitely the most fun, especially when music is playing.

How do you motivate yourself to run on days when you don’t feel like it?

To push myself to run on the tough days, I think about my team and my progress. If I didn’t have someone looking out for me and pushing me, I wouldn’t be as good today. I try to be that person for all the younger girls and guys on the team. I also like to think about how much better I am now than I used to be. I couldn’t even run a mile and now I run over 9 miles.

FURTHER PREPARATIONS: Westlake is Statesman’s No. 1 soccer team

Dream dinner: Princess Di’s gossip spices up the evening

If you could have dinner with four people from the history of the world, who would they be?

I would say Princess Diana, Amelia Earhart, Alexander Hamilton and Zendaya.

Princess Diana?

I would probably ask Princess Diana the most questions and listen to all the drama about her death.

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