
Otto McMillan is a hero among heroes

Otto McMillan is a hero among heroes

Otto McMillan has a knack for being in the right place at the right time. In his nearly 30 years with Piedmont Natural Gas, his quick thinking and decisive actions have saved lives and prevented disasters. For his most recent act of courage, he was honored with the American Gas Association’s Meritorious Service Award at the AGA Operations Conference in May.

“I’ve been here 28, 29 years,” McMillan recalls. “I’ve probably seen something happen 28, 29 times. I know for a fact that I’ve seen four fires, numerous shipping accidents and other types of events. I can’t look away.”

In early 2023, McMillan was overseeing the construction of a natural gas pipeline in Mint Hill, North Carolina, when he noticed smoke rising from a nearby house. Without hesitation, he and a contractor knocked on doors and told the family inside – a mother and her two young daughters – to leave. McMillan then shut off the power as a precaution. Firefighters later confirmed that a faulty electrical connection had started the fire and that McMillan’s quick action likely prevented the house from burning down.

Just a few months later, while on his way to the utility’s dispatch center, McMillan witnessed a minivan collide with a Kia Forte, flipping the smaller car upside down. McMillan reacted quickly, stopping traffic with his headlights, calling 911 and rushing to the crawling driver’s aid. Even when emergency responders arrived, he stayed on the scene, directing traffic to ensure everyone’s safety.

In October, another dramatic rescue occurred. McMillan came across a car accident that left a driver trapped in his vehicle. Again, he called 911 and stayed with the injured man until help arrived, offering comfort and reassurance in critical moments.

McMillan attributes his willingness to act to a childhood friend, Griff, who died when McMillan was 15. “He told me one thing: ‘Everyone teaches someone else,'” McMillan recalls. “He said, ‘If I help you today, you’ll help someone else tomorrow.’ And when he died, I just took that to heart.”

By reflecting on his experiences, McMillan hopes to inspire others with what he calls the “grip mentality.” “Stop, look around and listen,” he advises. “Maybe you’re that person who makes someone’s day, helps save someone’s life. Maybe you’re that superhero. Maybe you’re that person for that moment.”

McMillan’s story is a standout in an industry that produces more than its fair share of heroes. Whether keeping our communities safe or stepping in during times of crisis, utility workers like McMillan exemplify the best of our industry. Their actions reflect the dedication and commitment that characterize natural gas professionals – men and women who give their all every day to keep our lives running smoothly and safely.

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